Hop, I am reading the book. I ordered it from Barnes n Noble and I am at stages of courtship. "Not to take anything personal" Courtship has its life of its own.
It helps understand somethings, but does not take the desperation away. You are right. I need to relaxs and enjoy.
MO2, same, I need to enjoy the present. It is difficult to get rid of the negativity.
Ami, tango can be danced separated and in close embrace. Separated, you only hold hand and arm but close embrace is close together and chick with chick. I do not like fpor him to dance close embrace with other women, he says that tango is tango, and that he does not understand why I get mad. That is why i say he is blind, how he cannot understand that it bothers me.
That is the only problem we have. All women chase him at all the Milongas, and dance studios, some of them throw them selvews at him without any respect of me. He says that those are their actiosn and he cant do anything. But I know that he has to do something to elicit the response.
He has behaved very well the last two weeks.
Today, we have a Milonga, we are going in separated cars because I am going to leave if he starts with close embrace.
I really like him.
Dear friends, give me advice.