Author Topic: Ns are at all levels....  (Read 1182 times)


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Ns are at all levels....
« on: December 22, 2009, 11:28:46 PM »
Hi All,
I am still around, and am deeply involved in reading on the Internet about events that baffled me for many years to date! There are so many answers I want before I die!

I know, when I was 25 and JFK was assassinated, I suspected LBJ. I was 3 months pregnant and watching a soap opera, while crocheting, when the program was interrupted. I suspected Johnson, a creep and an Narcissist, believing all along, he was behind it, but now see that with Nixon, the Bushes, Reagan, well.. all the Presidents since are hiding their part in his death, as well as 9/11. (I am so discouraged that Obama promised to pull the troops and now I see he is waging war on Afghanistan. I have two grandsons who are eligible for the draft, imposed again by the USA (and damnation on Canada for falling into these Narcissistic plans.)

I really hope USA can muddle its way out of this mess of a NWO and One World Government.

How can these participants in lies, murder and treason show their faces in public? I’m beginning to think that what any/all of us have suffered at the hands of only one N, is far less horrifying that what we (as a Canadian, and we are not a super-power as USA used to be) will be suffering when the élitest of élite have us all RFID’d and become a cashless society. It scares the hell out of me and I want to die soon, rather than be thrown into one of FEMA’s concentration camps, or Gassed to Death, and stockpiled in USA’s stockpile of coffin liners.

I have had 9 months now to investigate different conspiracies, and know that James Files fired the Killing Shot to JFK. He is in jail on other charges but not for the assassination, because if he were charged then the Government, EVERYONE from before present Presidency is involved, and an accessory after the fact!

…and just today I discovered all the lies about the plane and the Pentagon. It never ‘went in’….just close enough to ‘bomb’/’missile’ the place and then, as we all know, those people are presumed dead, but they didn’t die there!!! They were flown somewhere else and all passengers were killed, while a second plane was sent up to be an excuse if anyone saw the first, AND one black guy sold out his country to lie about his taxi being hit by a light standard! Coward!! He ought to have told the truth! His life? for millions of lives and he is scared!!!

No wonder some of the so-called terrorists have been spotted after 9-11. They had false flights!

Oops  I got carried away, but the Ns in politics just walk around immune to prosecution, just as our Ns have kept on going, immune to what we have tried to do to straighten out relationships, until we became wise to their disorder of entitlement, and other symptoms!

I’ve had NC with my daughter, obviously because I changed my email address, but if that bothered her, I have a phone and a snail-mail address. I feel SO much better without her little innuendoes of abuse in emails. Abusing an elder...well I might be the only one here without an abusive mother (except my mother didn't know how to show love.)

I have Ken (that ex-boss of mine?) 81 now, as of Dec 12th, under control, and a letter from him saying he called my 45 yr-old daughter to see how her back has healed, from falling off the roof, and she has not called him back, but he did have a letter from my 20-yr old granddaughter about her life! That was nice to hear, as least the latter is still alive!

A few years back I think I would never have put a NC in place with D, but did in this past summer, and feel so much better. (Hops: I was going to answer your current situation re your D, but felt too uncomfortable that you were hurting and I was not.)

I am doing fine and wish all of you a Merry Season.

Well I still have pain, so that is 9½ months of it, but back to therapy and just a lazy old (...ish--ha ha!) woman who has all her work done for her at no expense! I am sometimes very bored, but the Internet is a good source of news, as that Rupert Murdoch owns all the  big newpapers, TV stations, and radio, to control what people hear. The advice of the ones on OUR side is to check the Internet, which I do, but one day we will be monitored here. Already, I can go to a new site and see ads for my own city. Who knows that? My IP tells every place I go, where to place my local ads!


"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Ns are at all levels....
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 12:34:24 AM »


Merry Christmas to you...



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Re: Ns are at all levels....
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2009, 09:42:44 AM »
Hang in there Izzy,
I think Aliens are here and at some point they will take some of us off to a better place!
Merry Christmas.


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Re: Ns are at all levels....
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2009, 09:47:31 AM »
It can get really scary when you investigate those things. I believe that the Government hides lots of things from the ordinary citizen.
If I didn't have my relationship with God  I would have little to live for.                xxxoo  Ami
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 09:51:49 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Ns are at all levels....
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2009, 04:41:26 PM »
Hi Izzy,

I hope you have a peaceful Christmas and know that no conspiracy can keep some love from getting through.

Thanks for your kind thoughts for me -- I'm glad you feel peaceful about your D.

lots of love,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."