Ami, mmm, the essence of what I'm saying...I'm not sure. How about this. I couldn't have read this book before because i wouldn't have understood (mind and heart) what the guy is saying. Now I understand it in both ways and can say: hello, my name is Portia and I'm a covert incest survivor (possibly an overt incest survivor but hey, i don't know about that), amongst a lot of other things that P is too (including suddenly having the urge to talk about herself in the third person, a sure sign of, er, denial/resistence/dissociation/oh I can't remember what it's a sign of except that i read it somewhere and thought oh boy I mustn't do
that then, otherwise I'll be packaged and labelled before you can say 'chiller cabinet'!).
And I can the effects of similar family stuff on other people around me through their romantic relationships, patterns of sexual behaviour and dysfunction.
Nism plays a big part too. Is Nism necessarily linked to intimacy wipe-outs and warped sexual behaviour? Seems to be unavoidable to me. Was I N'ic at one point, as mentioned in a case study in this book? Oh yes, to a degree, love addiction and all the rest of it. But then it's a matter of degree that makes a big difference. Does that help Ami?
Hey, I missed your gorgeous guy, but me, i don't really go for them. Gorgeous puts me right off - that's one saving grace eh?