I dont think you are disabled. There's nothing wrong with believing in someone until they prove you wrong. There is something inherently human and good about that.
I think that we get into trouble when we let someone that we dont know well control our lives--ie, our finances, our time, our emotions, etc. I think that it takes a long time (or should take a long time) before anyone is given that gift, and probably shouldnt ever be done whole hog.
Something that I think that we children of Ns do, is think that there is something wrong with us because we cant create a life where nothing bad happens to us, no one treats us badly. We are under the mistaken impression that everyone else in the world received at birth (or through good parenting) the ability to see bad things coming and stop it. When we arent able to do that, we add to the hurt with our feeling that WE are at fault, that WE are failures. The fact is: the only way to keep from having bad things happen, or from being hurt, is to so insulate ourselves from life that we dont ever really live.
I guess what I am saying is--dont call yourself disabled. What you call yourself is how you begin to see yourself. You are just a very good friend and you gave this person a gift that they chose not to accept. Too bad for them.
The other tricky thing is when you arent actually giving a gift, but when you are (in your heart of hearts) actually making a down payment on something you want in return. Friendship? Money? Time? Truth telling? Its lots of things for lots of people.....but usually only one person is signing that contract. And that's why you are pissed off. Because there was a pay off that you expected that didnt come.
Wow, Butterfly. I am dealing with similar stuff and talking to myself the same way. It's okay.