Author Topic: Can't understand what they say? Read this!  (Read 5018 times)


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Can't understand what they say? Read this!
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2004, 02:56:33 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
I see this was posted a nearly a week ago. I didn't respond because personally, I found it trite, half-baked and senseless for any self-respecting female to bother with. You hear this type of jazz on cheap sitcoms. Nothing to enlightening here. But it's been a while, and I discovered I did have something to say. hahahahah. not voiceless on this topic.

Plus I don't like other people translating english for me. Plus I don't like being told by just anyone what to read. I'm noticing that's happened a bit lately. Posts titled "Read this and that." How pretentious and arrogant.

And besides, I don't take reading assignments from just any old yobbo who thinks their man-hating hang-ups apply to every female. I'm definitely not a man-hater. 2 of my best friends are men, and hey, I even have some gay friends who are some the greatest people I know.

Men are just as misunderstood as women most of the time. Men tend to express their frustations and voicelessness differently. And ignorance, fear, insecurity and paranoia can lead some men to do some pretty stupid, dumb, ridiculous, obvious cruel things. And I know that the same goes for us women. We're not superior.

For example, to prove my point, how many of us post here, not because of our fathers, but because of our mothers and grandmothers. Women ruin just as many childhoods as men do.

I don't treat or ever intend to treat men like they're inferior, with greater inadequacies, and tar them all with the same sorry brush, like you're doing. I don't have a problem with treating men as equals. And let each one I know rise or fall on their own merits. I'll judge them by how they treat me and others. If you, whoever you are, think that all men are like your list, you're wrong. So totally and completely dead wrong. It's kinda' sad that you write of half the population the way you do.

Mentally and emotionally I'm shielding my son's eyes and ears from those (your) hate-filled comments. They are so negative and demeaning to whole male gender.

If you want my advice????

Here's a reading assignment for you. Read things other than women's magazines and Cosmo. Start reading bio's about famous past and present explorers, scientists, doctors, philosophers, missionaries, civil rights leaders. You'll find some hundreds and even thousands of inspiring men are alive today, and millions have lived in the past.

Can I take a guess off the top of my head. You have a problem. I'd say the problem is in you, and you prove it to me by your post. You're telling me here about the type men you are attracted to. Because these are obviously the only types of men you have experienced. Very small case trial to base your conclusions and results on. YYUUUCCKK!!!

I'm sorry, but I'd see a mental health professional about it if I was you. There are wonderful men out there. You just don't know how to recognise them. I'd say you're the unfortunate type who can't recognise a nice one. They don't flip your buttons. (Gotta question the quality of the buttons then.)

By your tone, you remind me of a girl I worked with a few years ago. She thought she was gorgeous, sexy and smart too. She wasn't!!! You wanna' know why??? She kept repeating the same mistakes, and picking the same types of men over and over. And she was sooooo arrogant. You couldn't tell her anything. She was the expert. And SHE (the great SHE) was gonna change them, and bring them to heel. hahahahaha
What a joke.

There was a lovely guy working there who was sweet on her, and he wasn't that great looking, but he was warm and smart and funny and ambitious and responsible. But he wasn't tall enough for her. She used to bag him out, and make terrible jokes about him, and how she wouldn't be seen dead with him. He was a brilliant catch as it turned out.

I think I said I don't accept reading assignments, especially from someone with an obvious problem, and Ive noticed a few reading assignments have been handed out here lately. Hey, whoever posted this, here's an idea. Why don't you find find a new topic. Get off the man-bashing, you haven't said anything of interest so far. Hey, why not post something challenging and educational for me to read, instead of all this crap you've been dishing out. Or here's a novel idea.

Why don't you post something about real 'voicelessness' issues, instead of this male-bashing bullshit you seem to be hung up on. I also noted the self-complementary bit. I nearly chucked when I read the smart, sexy caring bit. Sounds sooooooooooo familiar.  :shock:  

And hey, I don't know who you're taking about. Once again, your attraction to the wrong types is obvious. I've got a set of feather hand-cuffs and they're a whole lot off fun. hahahahahah


I think the point the poster was trying to make was THEY not MALE OR FEMALE.  THEY BEING NARCISSSTS.  What the hell is your problem, anyway?


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Can't understand what they say? Read this!
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2004, 05:09:12 PM »
Wow -

I stop by and check the board every now and then, suprised that this old message is being discussed again.  I posted way back in May.  Like I said then, I did not write it, and found it rather ironic/cynically amusing, although perhaps with a grain of truth.  Some people pointed out the anti-male tone, and I can certainly see their point with regard to certain parts of it.  But other statements are perhaps more gender-neutral, and could come from a parent or friend as well as a romantic partner.  

Maybe the bottom line is that with N's or other abusive people, what they say can often have a different meaning than what it might seem on the surface, a meaning influenced by their need/desire to control the person with whom they are interacting.   I found this idea to be helpful to me in understanding my ex.  He claimed that a lot of his behavior - which included having affairs and being verbally/emotionally abusive - as being motivated by a desire to "improve our marriage".  This made no sense to me until I began to realize that his idea of a better marriage was not what a normal person would expect.   His idea of a better marriage was that he could have action on the side and beat me down so much that I would conform to his wishes without protest.  

As for whatever reasons this post was brought back to the top, I really am clueless!  Seems like perhaps it spoke to someone new to the board.

have a great day.

Discounted Girl

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Can't understand what they say? Read this!
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2004, 05:37:42 PM »
Wake up people !!


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Can't understand what they say? Read this!
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2004, 05:49:02 PM »
Who else loves to treated like we're all just so stupid on this board?


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Can't understand what they say? Read this!
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2004, 06:13:11 PM »
Not to add fuel to the fire, or confuse anyone, but I made the above posts under the name of visitor as a guest.   For a while I posted without logging in as pandora, because my H (now XH) had found the board  and seen my postings, so for a while I did not feel that I should log in.  And I posted as visitor again today just for continuity, although I am past feeling that I need to hide from my XH.  

I guess you can believe me or not.  I am still very confused about whatever people think is behind this post!  In any case, I thought I would identify myself, just in case it clears something up.  Again, I had no great agenda in posting the original message.  After it was pointed out to me by people who responded, I can see that perhaps I showed some lack of sensitivity in not seeing how some could find the tone offensive.  So that was actually a good learning experience for me!  



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Can't understand what they say? Read this!
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2004, 06:28:24 PM »
Pandora, I took no offense from it. In fact I found a lot of it accurate. This board is about Ns and their projections and double meanings, and our trying to sort it out for ourselves.  This fits in with it. You weren't meaning men in general. And yes it can apply to women as well. So what? What you posted was fine and quite appropriate to this board. Phoenix