..and just discovered in the past few days that I was involved with an N. I thought at first that his primary problem was alcoholism. But in reading some information over the Internet, I now realize it's been much more.
I nearly lost my mind while trying to end this relationship. It's taken a toll on me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's also greatly affected my 16-year-old daughter and I'm worried that this has permanently impacted my relationship with her.
Through a whirlwind of scenarios and situations, my N persuaded me that moving to a new city and "down-sizing" our lifestyle would afford us the most happiness and stability for my daughter. After months of relentless cajoling, I finally consented to moving about 100 miles away so I could still be near my mother. I now realize this was a maneuver to isolate me.
Within a few months of moving, I began to realize it was a mistake. I tried as best I could, through counseling and another self-help program, to maintain a sense of balance and purpose. But between the N and his two sons, life became a merry-go-round of chaos and drama. The stress was unbearable.
It's been two months since we formally ended things. For the first 4 to 6 weeks after our break-up, he continued to harass me. He wanted a lump sum of money from me so he could "move on." Having quit my job and cashed in on a retirement account in order to purchase our home (which, thankfully is in my name) I was not able to give him what he wanted.
His response was an emotional terrorist campaign to denigrate me both privately and publically. Through the help of friends and family, I was able to withstand his machinations, dig my heels in, change the locks on the doors, change my phone number, and hire an attorney.
It appears, for the time being, that his short attention span has taken him to greener pastures -- onto a life in Chicago of wine, women and song.
I am interested in healing from this as quickly as possible. What would be the best book to start with?
Incidentally, my Dad was also an alcoholic N. There's a history here and I am not interested in repeating it.