Dear Chica28,
Welcome to the board. Get ready for the rollercoaster ride of recovery from Life with Nmom. A lot of the ups and downs are what we ourselves do in our own head when exposed to our N parent.
My H calls it catching a cold or the flu. When I spend too much time with my N, I kind of wither and it really affects my ability to "be" with my own family, as though I were physically sick with a cold.
So I suggest one way to cope is to think of the time you spend interacting with your Nmom (in person, on the phone, emails, ANY communication, er, strike that, any interaction) is exposure to nuclear waste for you. OK, maybe you would feel guilty if you thought of her as nuclear waste (that's our training). A friend said I was like a moth to a flame, attracted to my very demise. So you have to resist your ingrained conditioning to keep yourself healthy.
Hopefully you will be able to work out a balance of time spent with her (if any is possible and it might not be) that will placate her and not hurt you. It depends on the degree of her sickness and on the strength of your own boundaries. It's different for every situation, so do what's right for you. It is not selfish to take care of yourself.
Peace, Seeker