Author Topic: Oh the pain of it all  (Read 5412 times)


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Oh the pain of it all
« on: February 15, 2010, 04:21:17 PM »
I'm new / old here.  Dr. Grossman was kind enough to add me after the "other" message board shut down and I've been reading everyone's posts and remained voiceless all these months.  I think it is going to take me some time to get any of it out but I decided to make a start and stop lurking in the shadows.  In that time, I've come to love and admire so many of the woman of this board.  I was so glad you were here, those of you who came over from Dr. McBride and "met" so many new and insightful voices as well.  This has been my refuge and I have gotten a whole bunch of really good things here.

So I start to today to tell my story... sigh

I don't want to give up this start but find myself enervated - AGAIN - by the family of origin and the never ending emotional lightning that flares up when you least expect it and are most vulnerable.  I wonder if there is ever going to be any escape?  And I also know that I am damaged, so damaged by it all. 

I think my father was the primary narcissist of the family, but it worked out so well for him that my mom adopted it for her own mode of living and her natural propensity for it far eclipsed his mundane everyday male narcissism. 

They are both living.  I have been no contact with them since July 6, 2010 and have only gotten gotten second hand pain from them, via the efforts of well meaning family members.  (Hereafter described as "TOOL!")

My mom and Dad had a stormy relationship during my formative years, with weekends being a war zone of fights and screaming about his activities.  I didn't know what the problems were just that were never anything resembling a normal life when they were together.  The separated briefly when I was seven with the usual wrangling about who wanted to go with whom, etc.  But of course we weren't really allowed to choose -- it was just part of the game.  We ended up with mommy dearest for a long summer in a trailer outside of our town.  Mommy didn't want to shell out for childcare so she wrangled a way to get me into summer school (remedial classes for underprivileged kids) all day while she worked.  I don't know what she did with my Golden Child Brother -- he would have been almost 10 and I'm sure that would not have been good enough for him.  Perhaps he was allowed to stay home alone --

Even as young as that, I was able to discern some of the inconsistencies and incongruities of their lives, but learned young that it was pointless to try and interject any logical reality into a situation.  So it was "crazymaking" all the way for decades.  One of the biggest problems was that Dad liked to run around.  By the time I was 13 we had moved 10 times, as they were always looking for something better but did not want to build it on any "real" foundation.  Mom thought that a way to counteract his roving was to make sure he never left the house without one of us.  This resulted in us constantly being left with relatives or strangers or simply alone somewhere so that he could indulge in whatever.  He always had very "plausible" explanations for this and even though we told her of some of the predicaments he left us in, she allowed it because at least she was not burdened with us.  She stuck us anywhere!  She was just a little less Overt about it than he was.  She is a schemer.  He tends to act more in the moment.    Luckily for me, she discovered that her church had youth activities almost nightly.  We spent all weekend at church and at least two nights per week.  Might have to walk back and forth but it resulted in me being exposed to some nice normal people and that is the only gratitude I will give her.  She had me in a children's choir (lots of rehearsals and performances) before I could read the words.  The choir director ( I wish she was my mommy) helped me memorize the words and praised my participation.  There was sunday school activities and youth group and I was pushed into everything whether it was appropriate for me to be there or not -- what could they say?  God Bless them where ever they are!

So when I was 13, and I had just completed 8th grade in my second middle school of that year, she decided to leave him "once and for all."  Her brother arranged for her to get a house near him and family members helped us with an interstate move to be back close to them.  It seemed to me that perhaps we could begin to live normally.  It was also at this time that she chose to disclose to us that he was a homosexual.  She claimed to have known about it for years, yet did not bother to explain why we had all been placed in social situations with Daddy's "weird" consorts.  We actually went on outings with several of these people and I did not even know what their issues were, just that had some very smarmy ways.  I did not feel like I had the RIGHT to complain about being fondled by one of them and never mentioned it  -- in some ways that was not as disgusting as some of the other stuff I was subjected to and had never heard of homosexuality until she screamed it to us.  I figured that sort of blatant infidelity would surely result in divorce and we would be done with that chapter of our lives once and for all.  She used my brother and I, mostly me as a her confidante in these matters and it was settled that it was "over."  By my reckoning, that reduced our problems by at least 50 percent and I was all for it.  Bear in mind, I did not have any particular animosity towards my dad as I thought they were both crazy -- but gender neutrality was unheard of then and this seemed to be a big enough issue to result in a clean break.

The summer was a storm of high drama with their fighting and scenes raising to a new level.  At one point before our big escape, we got in her car to go somewhere and the wheels began to wobble and mom discovered that her lug nuts had been removed on her car.  She claimed that one of his paramours had done it out of jealousy.  In hindsight, I believe that she would risk our lives to be the object of even more pathos and I will always believe it was her.  That was my gut at the time -- "I'll make him sorry" was always her intent but I don't think he ever was or if he even knew about the incident.  Suffice it to say she did not report it to any authority or bother to have him restrained in any way.  But soon enough we were installed in our new home and making arrangements to change everything to accommodate her and her new life.

This didn't last three weeks.  One morning, a few weeks later, we got up to find Daddy dear in her bed!  Oh Yummy.  Gladsome tidings indeed to children who have been indoctrinated for months that he is the devil.  My brother was almost 15 at the time and he took it especially poorly.  He ranted at mom about why Dad was back sleeping with her!  My mother's exact words were, "You won't tell me who I can sleep with!"  Even then, I was pretty smart and made no comment.  Then she began raving about her religion did not allow for Divorce!  So the pattern of crazymaking crap was set in stone and they resumed their old pattern of her being an eternal victim of his abusive behavior.  They mitigated it somewhat by installing him in a job 150 miles away from which he spent the next fifteen years being Dad on weekends.  And that was plenty!  I don't think I would be tapping away now if I had been subjected to both of them in the 5 years between his return and her kicking me out at 18.

I have neglected to mention my Baby sister who was two during the summer from hell and doesn't have much recollection of that year but more about her later.  I'm going to have to do this in installments to get to the present insanity.  Thank you for your patience.
Bad daughter


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Re: Oh the pain of it all
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2010, 02:48:39 AM »
Well, the present insanity is just not "keeping" too good as NM died on 2/18.  And my biggest problem has been the family's reaction to my NC at this time.  I've been NC since 7/6/2009, but it impacted them negatively now.  I have one cousin who has been particularly destructive and this has been a hot topic -- re family reaction to NC -- so I thought I would insert the email that I am sending to her to see what you think  -- it's long sorry -- but will fill in at least some of the gaps in my story.

Dear Cousin M
Let  me try to give you the highlights of the most surreal experience of my life.
There is so many things wrong with all this -- it is impossible to know even where to begin. I feel like I need to make an outline and a timeline of everything that has happened and then write up a signed confession of every activity and mistake I made in the past 5 years and send it to all my family members and let them decide once and for all if I am a member of the family.

Mon Feb 15 -- Cousin D called and said mom was "bad" --he was very vague and had very limited medical data. Aunt R  had called me on 1/29 and told me that mom didn't know her. But honest to God, I Caught Mom faking that stuff more than a few times -- I thought she could have possibly been manipulating R -- I can tell you of a few times that I know she did that too. And  Cousin J and D relied on ME a few times to put the KYBOSH on plans that MOM had for Aunt  R. When push came to shove, I was always the one that had to go up against MOM. This is the God's truth. Cousin D  doesn't remember the last time MOM asked Aunt R to take her to Baltimore. That it was out of the question was obvious to everyone but Mom. But I was the one that had to foil her plans and I took the heat for them (and the the punishment.)

Neither the 1/29 transmission from Aunt R or the 2/15 one from Cousin D included any indication that she had asked for or about me.  Bearing in mind that only recently we had been told of various activities that sounded promising.  We went to that nursing home about 3 - 5 times a week for 10 months.  We had our own spies. But they could get in trouble if they told -- because every speck of mom's medical info was blocked to US.  So bearing in mind that we were keeping tabs on them and were aware at least of GC's comings and goings -- it did not seem as dire as some other times in the recent past.  From October 08 to July 09 we went very often -- when one of them was very ill, we went as often as every day but never less than bi weekly.   I at least, almost always signed the book and kept a journal too, so I can prove that.   We had asked GC to let us know if he were going to visit so we could possibly take those days off and to please please let us know if he left town so we could resume visiting.  He never did.  I had not spoken to my mom or Dad since July 6th.  The last I heard from GC was a snotty voice mail on June 19th which was a Sunday and he left it at my job.  THEY DID NOT ASK US BACK!!!!

NO ONE BUT Aunt R AND Cousin D SPOKE TO US AT ALL!  (on the two occasions above only)  --   (INCLUDING YOU, DEAR COUSIN!!!!)   in all that time. (JULY 09 TO FEB 2010) If I can bear the heartwrenching knowledge that everyone in my immediate family DID NOT WANT ME BACK!!!!  then I really think it would be a little easier for me to bear if everyone else could accept it. 
Cousin J insisted that we go out to Johnny's on Johnny Y's birthday back in October and I didn't have the heart to refuse her  -- but I felt really uncomfortable -- like they thought I wasn't nice -- they were far from supportive.  And no one but Cousin J asked me to Thanksgiving -- and none of them called about when would be a good time or anything -- it wasn't like I was "included."  I just couldn't face barging in again -- and it broke my heart to disappoint her.  Should I go on to bizzaro world events from there?

Okay SO I'm working on it --
The day Mom died, the nursing home Left me voice mail.  That is how I heard the news.  Yes, I repeat a voice mail from a skilled care facility.  Even so, I had this ridiculous hope that my DAD or someone close to the situation would call and ask us to help with the obituary or her clothing or something -- perhaps tell us the arrangements...  silence -- had to read about it in the paper.   The obituary sucked -- I am positive now that we knew Mom a lot better than they did...

So I got the times of stuff out of the paper and we discussed skipping it altogether.  But that didn't seem quite right -- being as it was Mom and all -- MY mother -- I hear you only get one of those --

I don't think you have to be Freud to figure out that there is some INTENSE SIBLING RIVALRY going on here.  But I have no idea how to make it end.  Since this whole fiasco began he has been so withdrawn and secretive and we have no idea what is going through his mind.  After a couple of years, especially when they made it seem like that was their wish, we butted out.  They had a whole bunch of money that had our name on it and we signed it all back over to them and got out.  We have a witness at the nursing home that supervised it. I will provide the name if you like.  But GC wasn't there.  Maybe he was mad that money was in our names to start with?  We didn't want it in our names -- we had gone round and round about it because it wasn't the Right way to handle it and totally skewed my financial picture if I wanted financial aid or God forbid if one of us needed Medicaid --

Hey Guys --  Do you STILL THINK I'M THE DEVIL?

Now we want go into the nasty situation where they neglected many pressing details of daily life to make a special trip to the credit union to smear my good name --  BEEN DOING BUSINESS THERE FOR YEARS AND HAVE SPIES THERE AS WELL AND WE KNOW EVERYTHING THAT WAS SAID AND THAT GC SAID DEROGATORY THINGS THAT HE HAD NO PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE OF.  It was totally unnecessary and a waste of everyone's time --  but it convinced me to stay far out of GC's way.  It felt like a threat.  A scare tactic.  Had I felt that Mom and Dad truly wanted us to intervene, I would have done so.  But whether due to age or infirmity or actual malice, I'm not feeling very wanted and am trying to accept that as best I can. 

Another thing he may not be aware of is that they were constantly undermining HIM to us.  They wanted us to go behind his back and do things and we said he would have to be told and then it wouldn't happen and it was our "fault."  So so crazymaking -- sounds petty -- a good daughter like you would overcome -- without any support from any family and further undermining from all -- hope you never experience it.

Now we get back to "Poor GC all alone with his Dad" -- his 85 year old dad alone in a nursing home-- GC is back in NH -- so how long do you think DAD will last?  And all is dandy for GC.  Perhaps a reality check is needed.  SR and RW have jobs.  She is a teacher. I am an office manager. Both college educated.  I OWN my own home.  And she is well on her way to owning several properties.  I have only been out of work 7 months in 30 years.  She has been at the same job for 17 years.  We both have excellent credit ratings and could pass any background check. Both are putting away for retirement.  I'm a notary public (ha ha)  The only one of us who has a brush with the law is me when I got "saved" by a DWI in 2002.  I have not had a drink in 8 years.  I hate to get into the stable relationship thing but I was told that he filed for divorce this fall and she would not sign the papers. That is a good enough reason to stay together or whatever it is they want to do -- wonder what she is thinking?   We on the other hand, have both been married 14 years so far, having married within two months of one another.   GC will say he will be back in 2 weeks but I have seen that before -- and people believe it but they don't know that it didn't really happen as often as he said.  In October of 08 he was so sure that they were going to be dead soon that he said he was in "for the duration."  No, I'm sorry -- I got that second hand from the preacher.  My point is that he talks a lot better caregiver than he delivers -- but my secondary point is that is what mom and dad wanted so who am I to complain?  I honestly think it may not mean that they liked him best...  and it's incredibly sad that they would pit their adult children against each other.  We are reacting in patterns that were set decades ago and are so destructive.

No one is sorrier that Mom could not be helped and none of you tried harder than I did to help her. I was not able to help anymore -- nothing was working and it seemed that at least some of the stumbling blocks were delivered on purpose.  And it is distressing how many family members blatantly undermined my efforts when I started sending out alarms about them 5 ish years ago or so.  You all acted like I was being "mean" and criticizing them and all I was doing was trying to keep them from killing each other.  Cousin D took her to buy a new car immediately after she had a bad 4 car pile up -- didn't consult her kids who were encouraging her not to drive -- to start thinking about alternatives -- Thanks, D.  To the extent they were making me nuts -- all seemed to think it was amusing -- not as funny now, huh?  Do you know that I had to get my father removed from Mom's care twice by social services and once by sheer chicanery.  And then everyone is MAD at me for calling the STATE.  I had no choice -- mom wasn't such a sweetie when she was REFUSING to let us get him care.  Everyone must have forgotten how much fun that would be. And the hideous expense and suffering that resulted from her neglect.   SR and Mom did Everything together for years.  And then they did not even seat her with the family at the funeral or ask her to be any part of it?  Can't for the life of me figure out what she ever did.   I left before the seating -- I had experienced enough condolences for one day.  Someone told me later that everyone was expecting a BIG Fight that day.  Who put that idea in their head?

He recently got removed from his wife's insurance plan -- working in one last procedure first -- not current wife -- his X wife's insurance!  He has been married to someone else 5 years so it is difficult to see how this is not completely

Pointing these things out only fuel the flames of his jealousy.  So we need some good Christians to help us work this out!

You're comments that you "don't judge" etc etc and the negative comments about how my mom's death was impacting you so badly cut me to the quick.  Your choice of email communication over something more personal proved to me that you obviously prefer GC to me and have for some time.  I know you empathize with his situation - but I think you are enabling him to do some pretty bad stuff.  Your claims that you were there to "support me" were as lame as any I have ever heard.  Shame on you -- should you ever choose to "support" someone in the future, perhaps you will let them be aware of this so called support sometime prior to 48 hours after the fact.  A personal call would have been greatly appreciated but I was not too receptive of your guilt via email that I wasn't there for you?  At least you didn't miss a real juicy scene.

I will tell you that GC moved his belongings into my garage before I moved into my house and they stayed there until I removed and hauled them away 12 years later -- when I queried his intentions after all that time he said I could get rid of them.  I think I heard he is now using your basement for storage but the break up is over...  I don't have much personal knowledge but I'm not hearing too much that speaks to sanity or stability.

He is not the victim he is making it out to be and he is crapping all over his siblings, with Dad's blessing apparently.  And if you can't work up just a little more "impartial" than you have -- I'll not have you as his spy either.  I'm all about trying to make some sense of everything but since I don't have any idea of what his "side" is -- he is making it impossible.  We are not the ones who won't communicate although we have stopped trying.  I've left him literally hundreds of unanswered voicemails in the past 5 years and don't care to continue with that.   He allowed Mom to make plans for the entire family and then stood us up on many occasions, leaving us to feel her disappointment.  I'm not to concerned about his co opting of anything material they have but his intentions seem malicious and painful to me and I can't understand why he is so against us.  I think Mom and Dad have cruelly manipulated him. 

I have found many of my family members to be dishonest and cowardly but I'd like to give you a chance to get right with this.

Isolated events as described above may sound petty or judgmental but again, I am only giving you the highlights of what I see as a pattern of abusiveness. 