This is interesting?
The little girl is Maggie, and the granddaughter of the sister who is coming to see me in a month. I have never met her.
She asks me things, and today's email was about which one of 3 of
her choices, for writing a speech for class, would I chose (sic)--a common error that I see in the forum posts of today.
She chose: 'quote'
1. On how the media is so hard on woman and is expecting us to be skinny and pretty.
2. On Greek gods I'm really interested in that topic.
3. On World War 2 I also love that topic.
I replied, as though to an adult,
- on Susan Boyle for #1--
- that I knew no Greek gods except from memory. I thought only of Thor and Zeus.. were they Greek gods? If she wants one, he might be in my city and I would keep an eye out for him, but what colour eyes and hair?
- WW II began the year I was born and I have some memories as a little child, before school and age 5 in Grade 1 about ration books and told her a number of things, even used the word 'purported'.
After I sent my reply, which ended, "This looks like the first chapter of a book entiltled "My Great Aunt started WW II", I emailed her mother, my niece, to ask if Maggie came screaming to her about the word 'purported'. I haven't even seen my neice for ??? years which means before any of her 4 children were born.
..and I have NEVER had an email from my
granddaughter, Maggie, and she is 21 in May: only one from my grandson Matt, last June after my birthday greetings for his 17th birthday, and a few from the eldest, as well as a 2 day visit and last I heard, in 2006.
I believe this is unconscionable, on the part of my daughter, to have this happen. Yet I cannot become angry with her, if she has been in denial about her sexual preference.............and in thinkiing, I can go back to age 12, but mainly 14, even childhood, yet it is all hindsight. She must have gone through Hell, yet... even though she asked me what a BJ was and I told her, she never mentioned any ódd feelings re sexual attraction. There were always boys hanging around our house, BUT she had some very close girl friends,...something I never had...male or female at age 12--14.
I sent her an email to ask again what I am to do regarding 'my' family, especially since her aunt is coming for a week, and only heaven knows what topics we will discuss, face to face....eyeball to eyeball... more difficult than email..
I will not 'betray' my daughter, in spite of all, but since she has not replied, I have the feeling that she is in 'another world' and that I might never,
EVER see her, or my granchildren again... EVER! EVER! AMEN!
I cannot dwell on this, and don't, but a response from her would enlighten me.
Comments? Surrogate Grandchild, Maggie, out of pity???? I HATE THAT, yet I am being 'like wise grandma' to her, the great niece!'
Who ever said that life was fair? For me it never has been, but I haver learned many lessons!