I feel like I am caught in the eye of the tornado. Silent but deadly.
I am calm. I can take the turmoil others pull me into to. After all, I am a grown woman. And have experienced the manipulation, the control, the denigration of my being. I have survived. And feel good, secure with who I am.
So this week I struggled with my Nboss. Could handle it. Called a team meeting with others who have been suffering this week. Felt connected to the team, we supported each other and discussed ways to handle Nboss.
Daughter comes home, has issues with Ngrandma. Listen to her, support her.
Decided I needed to call NM tonight. NM was almost manic. I don't know how to describe the conversation. Though daughter talked about all the health issues NM told her about re: NM and my dad, NM only talked about her issues, but then said "things were good with her". So, are they good or bad? I felt so confused. Then she asked about my work, I mentioned the issues with my Nboss. NM started talking about things that were so out in left field and had nothing to do with what I had just said.
Then an old friend from school calls . She shared alot of issues in her FOO that I have. That phone call just makes me want to collapse. I'm all together and then just getting that call makes me want to collapse. She know what I'm going through. I don't have to pretend with her. And it makes me want to fall apart.
So the calm in my life is the eye of the tornado. My true feelings are being whipped around, battered, hanging on for dear life.