Right now I am in anger mode. I am pissed at everyone. The driver who is tailgating me. The too slow driver who is holding me back. My husband when he has to be asked to take out the trash. But most of all, the N mother who will never EVER be my hero. She is always a disappointment.
I have come right out and told her, I don't like to ask for things. I need for her to hear me once and then remember so I don't have to ask for anything.
She never surprises me with a nice overture. I have to ask. I had to ask her to come to Mayo with me. I have to ask, ask, ask.
She told me she would give me some of my inheritance before I die. In other words, so I don't have to worik. But the deal is, I think I will have to ask her for money every single two weeks. This causes me so much stress. I found that every time I am stressed, my pain flares up. I have even told her I cannot take the stress. I asked her to ask the accountant how she should set it up so if and when I die, she gets it back. So payday was yesterday and no money from mom (it was my first pay period with no money from the business.) I do NOT NOT NOT want to ask her or remind her. I put something on my facebook status talking about my love language. It was a great big hint which (of course) she did not get.....