Author Topic: Help me discern.  (Read 9480 times)


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2010, 07:13:46 AM »
I cannot believe he betrayed me so badly. Those women are voltures. That woman is a volture. I am tired. i cannot live with a man like that. he has this misplaced need of attention from other women, my attention is not enough for him. I cant suffer anymore.

How can he be so ignorant. i will never dance again.


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2010, 07:16:50 AM »
Dont try to be strong, Lupita.

Cry.  Cry until your eyes are red and your nose is running.  You are still strong within all those tears. 

Much love,
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2010, 07:21:11 AM »

It sounds like you've drawn boundaries he can't abide.

It might not mean he's the devil.

It might mean his issues clash with your issues.

He might need attention in dance class from other women, even though it makes you feel unsafe.

Breath, Lupita.


I'm so sorry it hurts so bad: /


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2010, 09:09:09 AM »
I have to convence my self that I am fine.

Why do I want a man that only wants to dance. He does not want to go to the movies. He does not want to walk anymore. He does not read. He only reads the papers. He makes me feel paranoid. He wants to be surrounded by single desperate women.

He enjoys getting me on my toes. he provokes my jealouseness.

He does not want to do anything that is not dancing. He is toxic. Why do I want a man llike that.

I am better off.

He wanted my to ride on his motorcycle without a helmet. I demande a helmet. I did not want to ride without a helmet. I am afriad of morcycles anyway. I did not care for me.


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2010, 09:48:55 AM »
Why is my heart pounding so hard? I know I did the right thing. This man is a bad influence on me. Just dancing, what a low life!!!!

Just dancing, no more than dancing, dancing every single day.  :roll:

What a stupid life.

I hate this man. He did not care for my feelings. He never cared for me. Why did he have to dance close with my friend?

Why to provoke me when we were doing so wonderful?

Why nobody cares for me?


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2010, 11:19:42 AM »
Two months ago it was his female friend E, two weeks ago it was the russian girl, last week it was his female friend I and last night it was our friend O.

It is always another woman. he elicits this kind of responses in women.

Why do I want a man who always causes me pain? Why do want a man who cannot sit in peace unless he has other women chasing him?

I do not need it. I can do better. I can be better a lone rather than constantly in distress.

I need peace.!!!!!!!!!!

Lord give me peace!


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2010, 01:25:45 PM »
Why would I want to keep a relationship in which he does things just to see how I react? Does he think I am a guinea pig? Is that unnecessary infliction of pain?
He is sick. He has issues and I can't handle it no more. Why will I wish or dream for him to call me, or call him? To call him to say what?
I cannot say I am sorry since I just reacted to his provocation. he did something bad, not me.
I cannot do anything. He has serious issues.
I have to get him out of my mind!!!!!
I have to have peace!!!!!
I need peace!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2010, 03:19:09 PM »
He does not surrender to the relationship. he is constantly thinking how he is going to test me. Well, this time I did not pass the test. I wish I could hate him, but I do not. I love him with all my heart. But I have to stay away from him. He makes me suffer.
I have to be strong.
I need peace.


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2010, 03:22:31 PM »
My faith in God is really shaking right now.
Why is God so hard on me?
Is it me? What did I do wrong?
Why I was not welcome into this world?
If my mother did not love you, how can I expect a stranger to love me?


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2010, 05:56:14 PM »
Love yourself...
Welcome yourself...
Forgive yourself...
Be kind to yourself...

Love yourself, heal your own wounds, then you will be attracted to someone who can dance a little, enjoy other music, take some walks, share a fuller life.

I'm sorry, Lup. Cry it out. You did the right thing for you.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2010, 09:40:27 PM »
Thank you Hops. now I know that he was a mean person. I so belive that he played with my mind. I have to stay away from him. I need to stay away from him. He is mad for me. I just need to peace. This man will never let me be in peace, always provoking me. He enjoys provoking me. I need to be free from fear. He casues me fear. I need to stay away from him.


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2010, 11:00:04 PM »
Hi Lupita,

There are those of us who are raised in such a way that we are attracted to the 'bad guys'. I identify with that as they are dangerous and exciting, but in the long run are very bad news.

I had my share and now that I am old (17 days away from 71.. and look at me)  and not in the running anymore, I see things that I never knew. I am alone today, likely, because I never gave the quiet guys a chance. I was never given any instructions/hints about boys/men, getting to really know them, trust them, REALLY know them, and I see now that I went for the dangerous ones.....and that might be because of the True Confession Magazine claptrap I read, believing it to be true, not fictional. Maybe even went for the 'not available' ones, as I felt no one would love me. This was all a self-fulfilling prophecy, since I was 15 at the time when I first attended a wedding, understood what was happening and was scared to death. I later, too late, learned that men think with their *dicks* and I didn't know that sex did NOT equate LOVE.

I passed by many a nice boy, because my parents favoured him, farm boys, family friends, as I thought LOVE was mysterious and one day I'd fiind someone my family didnt know and he would be mine alone. My parents disapproved of Don, because his parents owned a movie theatre, of Alex, because he was Greek Orthodox, of Norm because his father drank whiskey, I finally gave up on a nice guy who dressed in a suit and attended University, as I have only Grade 13 high school.

What was I? Too bad. or too good, for them??? It was more what I thought of myself and I messed up.  I was back to thinking no one would ever love me, like my parents didn't and my siblings didnt, and now I know my daughter doesn't, but I can live with all this now.

I dated a very nice guy when I was about 21, but he was separated, and his estranged wife was in Ireland. What to do? I really cared for him and still get a flip floppy tummy when I think of our first kiss, when my knees buckled and he had to hold me up. Then I thought I might be pregnant so I up and left with no thought of what to do but to get away from anyone who knew me and had a job 500 miles away, got my period and met Joe.

So!!!  Jack and Joe above. So I met Joe and he, too, was separated, and I cried, and said, "To hell with it!!!!"

Right now I am emailing with an old school chum, Ian. He was in Gr 9 when I was in Gr. 12. I was 15 and he was 14, and he was crazy over me, and me, him, but now he has been married since he was about 19, to the same girl and I never would have been the one.

I looked for all the wrong things in a man. First of all, I felt that I had to be his O and O. That was my insecurity showing. Any man or woman who can trust the other, really has something going for them, when he or she doesn't need him/her all to themselves, but can allow him/her to be free to speak with others without suspecting infidelity.

I can easily say that now, as I am not looking, but I was so jealous of every ex-girlfriend of Joe's, but then he was jealous of my ex-boyfriends (and I knew he needn't be but I couldn't reverse that) and we were really both immature.

When I was conned by the N in 1998, (26 years after Joe killed himself) I was so impressed with his attention toward music skills, my computer skills, all of it. I fell for it, hook, line and sinker, until Jekyll and Hyde came about and I started to grow up a bit (as I was seeing exactly what my daughter went through, with the guy she married, who was also just after her mother's money.) Don't wait until my age to do that Lupita. He was just after sex and my money. Then it was no sex, but just money, then was no money because I got all my loans back and left him. (Got my loans back from Ex-SIL too!)

...and God is being good to me. HE also had me be struck by a car so that I again can add to my 'worth', that appears to be only money.

I often wonder what I had to offer when I was much younger, just living payday to payday, but walking! Nothing!

I am far wiser now and it's far too late with my 2nd Civil Suit on the horizon, and I have no heir except a daughter who I just found out is gay, and won't write to me anymore, now that I know.

All I can ask, Lupita, IS...."Are you so needy that you would go through a life like mine, just for some lousy indifferent man? for whom you cook beakfast? no! something is wrong!

Did I say anything to help?

I hope so! I took this picture and sent it to my sister who has never seen me with long hair. I dontt want her to not recognize me when she arrives on the 22nd, for a week! I really wonder how that week will go!
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2010, 11:04:50 PM »
Sure, stay away.

And also be aware of how you scare yourself, hon.

That's the real issue.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2010, 03:06:25 AM »
Is that for Lupita or for me?
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Help me discern.
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2010, 06:26:40 AM »
I guess it is for both of us Iz.

Yes, I scare my self all the time. The problem is that I never know when it is real and when it is me. I do not trust my perceptions and cant tell the difference.

M's friend are demanding an apology from me. They say they are extremely offended. He provokes me and then his friends get mad at me. I feel as if I was with my mother. I think that he behaved like my mother and that is why he triggered me so many bad sensations.

I mean, he aommited actions similar to what my mother does and that is why I felt so bad with him.

My mother always did ugly things to me and the rest of the family got mad at me. M danced close with our friend and now our friend is demanding an apology. Of course she is not my friend, it is M's firned more than mine.
He always made me feel bad. Just like my mother. I never felt this with a man before. I felt M was cruel. But now I feel that I exagerated in my mind and made it worse. But does not mean the cruelty did not exist. Why would he dance close in front of me when he knows how much it upsets me? Why would he tell me things that hurt? Just like my mother.