I think racism definitely is part of a narcissistic pattern, it is just spread out over many people and is more in the domain of sociology rather than psychology (which is where we are usually at when we discuss our parents' narcissism). Although raised in a highly racist part of the States, my dad was able to make friends with people of all colors, ethnicities, etc. (He was not narcissistic). My mom, on the other hand, does not change her opinions about people of other "groups" for anything. For example, she has a certain (negative) opinion of another ethnic group. If she meets somebody that she really likes in that other ethnic group, she will say, "Well he/she is an exception." Not that her opinion needs to be changed, but that the person she likes is not REALLY representative of the other-group. Drives me insane, but then a lot of the way she thinks drives me insane. But I regard this as a manifestation of the rigid thought patterns (gaslighting) that go with the narcissistic traits --- it is not her that needs to change, it is reality that needs to change. SImilar to when she gaslights me, when she confronts a reality that says her opinion is wrong, she has to twist the reality around to fit her opinion.