Sea is right, you'll see this guy till you don't. We are all where we are, so be nice to yourself. Life is a process, so you learn this over time....
This might sound silly.... But is there a class you are interested in taking in the evenings? If you make yourself very busy, it will be easier to avoid any calls he makes to you. It's okay to "disappear" out of this man's life. Ohhhh & if you learn something new in a class like sign language, swimming, pottery, yoga, or whatever it will increase your self esteem.
Don't let this man knock you down for too much longer... It's a great time to break free, you have no ties to him- like kids etc..... Easier said than done though I know. It's easy to give advice, but hard to go through the process. All in all trust yourself, I can tell you have a senseble inner voice by reading your posts.
Take care of you, you're feelings count:)