Swimmer, I am in the process of doing the same thing. My whole life, my NM's entire world centered around Christmas, and how she could use it to create the illusion of being a loving and generous mother. Every year she started planning months in advance, trying to create the perfect "Hallmark Christmas." There would be a huge tree, and she would buy as many gifts as she could get her hands on (all F's money, since she never worked). She would stack the gifts literally 4-5 feet high. Then she would take photos, and send them to all our relatives. "Look at what a perfect family life I have. Look at what a perfect mother I am."
The gifts were never things that I needed or wanted. In fact, if I specifically asked for something, I wouldn't get it. I would instead get something that I had no use for. Perfect example was Beanie Babies. One year hubby bought me ONE Beanie that had a special meaning to me. NM decided that I was a Beanie collector, and started buying me boxes of them. This was during the Beanie craze when some were selling quite high, and she would pull strings with friends who worked for Hallmark stores to get me the hard-to-find ones, then brag about how much trouble she went to, when I never wanted the things in the first place.
My decision to go NC was (in part) the result of an argument over Christmas gifts. One year we moved into a new house that was very small and had no closet space. We had to downsize, so told M that we preferred gift cards for Christmas, as we had no room for "stuff," especially stuff like Beanie Babies. She went into an N rage and screamed that I was ruining her Christmas, that she "needed" presents under the tree, bla bla bla. Gift giving for her was never an act of love, it was an act of manipulation.
So this year I have started cleaning out the closets full of stuff that I stashed away, much of it unopened. Plush toys, collectibles, jewelry, you name it. While some of these items are cute and/or nice, I have never been able to form an attachment to any of it. The gifts feel dirty to me. As you said, they are full of emptiness. I just want the stuff gone. So some has been sold off on ebay, and a lot has gone to Goodwill. It really does feel good to rid myself of these items. I actually feel that I'm getting a little justice out of this too. My mother is such a bigot, HATES homeless people, and poor people in general. So if my donation can bring a smile to an underprivileged child, all the more awesome.