OMG! Every time I read a response I am

like a fool. Thank you so much!
Discounted Girl-Thank you for your kind words. I am indeed grateful/thankful every day of my life for my H & son. He is an angel sent straight from above. I do want the best for him, and he is such a happy, smiley baby. My H is incredibly supportive, he really didn't know what he was getting into when he met me, at the time I didn't know what I was already in. I have to say that he is the one who showed me that she treated me like crap and if it weren't for his family, I honestly don't think I would have ever known how healthy families interact with one another. I love them all so much.
Ellie-I am sorry that your H family doesn't live closer to you. It sounds like you did a great job with your kids

My sis lives about an hour away, and my parents don't visit them that often. I would ask my mom why she didn't go down and visit her, when she wasn't working, and she would say, I am busy its not like I can just pick up and go there..I have the dogs, etc.

But ever since our separation, she seems to have found the time to go and stayover even

I am pretty sure that any time I go to visit my grandmother with the baby or to my sisters my Nmom doesn't hear anything about it. My gmom doesn't mention me to Nmom because she told her she didn't want to know anything about me and my Gmom doesnt want to upset her

My sis doesn't want to get in a fight with Nmom so she doesn't mention me either. It is so funny, when I decided to wait it out to see whether she would call and apologize, my theory was that she would break down and call. Then I thought, if they told her they came over saw the baby, etc she WOULD realize what she was missing, put her pride behind her and make up. Never happened. Instead, 2months after they (parents/gmom) returned from vacation we received a package in the mail. I was so scared to open it, I thought maybe some of my childhood items, etc (she has sent those to me in the past when we weren't talking just to hurt me) well it turned out to be a couple of crappy gifts from her vaca, with a note - Just so you know, I brought back gifts for ALL my grandchildren! no signature. She has NEVER not once asked or even acknowledged my baby and then this? WTF? Anyway, Whew! Sorry for all of that, well I just wanted to say thanks for letting me ramble and I am sorry for your situation also.