Author Topic: Back - NM and Father at it again..  (Read 2000 times)


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Back - NM and Father at it again..
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:48:23 PM »
I used to post here - quite a bit - more than 4yrs ago. At one point I asked to have my posts deleted, and I tried very hard to just "deal with it".

I'm back.

For anyone who does not remember,(I still recognize a few names)  I grew up with a NM, and a father who I idolized at the time for standing up for me once in a blue moon against her lies and bizarre behavior. As time went by, he began to loose his spirit, to protect her instead, to drink, and has finally arrived at the place where he has become like a servant to the queen. She continues in her usual capacity, except it has intensified over time. Her mother was the queen N of her family, and since she died 3yrs ago, my mother has done her best to take her mother's place - as the NM of her siblings, and myself and my family - things have gotten worse. My father has sunken into black and white thinking which only favors her - she is "always right" in his view. IF you speak up or try to communicate your feelings about her behavior, you will be "cut off".

There is no way to rewrite all of the unbelievable situations that I came here and wrote about until 2006. I can only tell the highlights - that I had this childhood where I felt like I was secretly being emotionally raped by my mother, and my father did his best to try to force me to not speak up or question it - or to tell anyone else. To "take it". If I spoke up, I was wrong to do so, labeled as angry, and a terrible son, and punished. She lied constantly, as she does today. She slammed doors in my face and told me she hoped I would not succeed in life. She purposely got me into trouble with my father - like a big sister who got joy from it - instead of a mother. She pushed him until I was belted quite often - for no reason, and he would comply with her, all the while asking her if it was "enough yet". There was so much - but the part that was even more bizarre for me, was that NO ONE outside of our home would ever believe ANYTHING I said  about their behavior - because my parents had literally everyone around them "duped" and believing that they were awesome, wonderful people and parents. If I spoke up, then or even now, to most that know them, no one would believe me. I thank God for a few friends and both my ex and my spouse's (now) ability to see it after some time. I don't feel alone when I know that she knows, and understands.

When I came here before, it was in the days preceding, during, and following a massive rage from my parents, which resulted in two years (almost) of not talking, though we lived in close proximity. Since that time, I have experienced a divorce, my parents have moved about 53 miles from my home, I 'm remarried, with a (now) 1yr old with magnificent blue eyes and smile. My older two children (after a long and arduous battle) are now 50% with me and my wife, and the other 50% with their mother, only around the corner from us.

The former situation ended because my ex and I were tired of fighting their raging. We decided to accept that they were mentally challenged and to just try to blow them off going forward and make peace. Then the divorce. I tried to forget it all.

I am an only child, and my NM and dad have always been cultivating other people my age (all females with husbands and children) who they consider to be their "children and grandchildren" - and who they try to force upon my wife and children I - while badmouthing us to them when we are not around. These people never see their true side. That is reserved only for me. When they spend alot of time with them, my mother starts to get cockier toward me. In March of this year, it reached an all time peak. My mother asked us if we could tell them some ideas for cabins to rent for a vacation this summer. We gave some ideas, and suggested (for the kids sake) to make it a family vacation for a weekend or so. My NM said no - they wanted to go alone. (ok) A week later, we received a call from NM, asking if they could take our children on a vacation with them - to those very cabins we suggested - with the OTHER  people, effectively removing my wife and I from the picture. We tried to ask her how she would feel if we did that to her, and she just claimed it was a misunderstanding and blew us off.

A week later we received two very nasty emails - both criticizing our life and lifestyle  - and claiming that we dont make them feel "wanted" enough, like their pseudo family. A week later she started trying to act like nothing happened. My wife and I wrote back saying that she cannot talk to us like she did and just expect everything to be"ok", and that we would like an explanation. We used "i feel" statements, and did not say anything nasty back, but we were firm. No answer. Nothing. Weeks went by. Then I received an email from my fathers account, written half by her, and half by him. She proceeded to continue slamming us left and right, claiming we were "keeping the children from them", etc. and my father started calling her "his  wife" and telling me that I cannot speak to my mother anymore - I will have to communicate through him ONLY, and that I/we were wrong to send the email we did to my NM before, that I am an angry, threatening person. No apologies, no acknowledgments.  I wrote back that his message was asinine - that I will not talk "through" him, that I am 36, not 8 - and that if they would like to continue to be a family they will have to stop acting like they are, and my mother would need to call me when she was ready.

Weeks went by.

Last Monday, I received a profane text message on my way home from work. I replied that I was busy and that I would call back later. THe profane texts continued, telling me "you demanded this command performance - not call me and end this BS now or we are driving to your HOUSE NOW!". I told her I would not have a confrontation, and to call back when she was not so angry. The names continued, and texts, and later two nasty voicemails - one from her - one from him - until I shut off my phone. When I turned it on, there were more, and one last message with a picture of them, saying how old they are and that they "love" me and always have... and to "take my time" and call back later in the week. ??????

I waited a day.

On Wednesday, I received a text message from my mother saying that I would no longer be allowed to call or email her phone, as my father had blocked me with Verizon, to "protect" her, and her fragile blood pressure. (yeah right). I would only be allowed to call my father going forward, and not her. I was furious. I wrote her back from an internet page that lets you send text messages from other numbers, and told them "good luck with that - and that I wish them a great future together - and that I would not crawl to my father. If they wanted me to talk to either of them again, they would have to remove the block on her phone and stop acting like immature children. She wrote something back - saying she was sorry for offending us in March, but that I can only speak to my father now. I told them good luck, goodbye.

I blocked my mother from communicating with my 12yr old daughter on FB - after discussing it with my ex. My mother had been saying divisive things to her in messages, and comments and we both saw it. Instead of calling me, she called my EX, to try to "fix it". My ex told her to talk to me - but reminded her that I CANT CALL her anyway.

Weirdos. Bizarre, weirdos. I want to scream. I am 36 and they are STILL doing this to me. They STILL look like wonderful people to all of our mutual friends and family, and I, as usual, - the angry bad son - and now my wife is included with me. And you know what? They've already begun smearing us to their little friends and were seeing signs of it. They're increasing the time they spend with their fake family and fake grandchildren, instead of trying to fix this, in the meantime, my little girl with the huge blue eyes has no grandparents - and they don't care. They don't care. I have trouble rationalizing that, but it's true.

So I'm back. I felt weak today, and almost wrote a text to them to remind them that I will not talk to them until they remove the block on her cell phone - BUT, I took another turn and came here. There was strength her in the past.

I hope someone makes it through my loooong post ;-) Thanks for listening / reading. I just don't know what to do... one part of me says that they're not worth it - which they are not - but the other side of me knows that this is not natural - and yearns to have a parent relationship. Do I go into another two years maybe permanent end to that relationship - or will it be as stressful as it was before... I don't know. Its eating me up as it is.


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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2010, 07:33:43 PM »
Hi Sfalken, I remember you...welcome. Glad you came to vent.

my little girl with the huge blue eyes has no grandparents

...but does your precious girl need THOSE grandparents?

How about thinking of it this way: "fake" grandparents are everywhere, yearning for precious kids to matter to. My church (UU) is full of lonesome older folks who would fall over with pleasure to be "adopted" by a younger family. So if you'd like your darling daughter to know the love and wisdom of an older generation...get out there!

Get your focus OFF your "biofamily" and start building a satisfying, loving, rewarding PHamily for you and your wife and your daughter to knit with.

2nd piece of advice: Move to another state.
It sounds to me as though you are going to be literally tormented with anger about your parents until you detach more. That's really hard to do in a familiar community...would it help you to get literal distance? If it's okay with spouse and child? If employment elsewhere is possible? (I know that may not be.)

If you are webbed in where you are, then I advise a serious commitment to a meditation group. (You don't have to be/think/believe Buddhist...but you need that kind of practice, imo.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2010, 08:18:08 PM »
I did make it through your post.  And I do understand your pain.  And I do want to listen.

You made it through the first time.  I hope you received some strength from it.  It makes sense - get some validation, feel a little stronger, and "deal with it".  After all, how bad can it be when the rest of your circle of society says what a wonderful couple they are, how cute they are together, how loving they are to everyone.  Believe me, I KNOW!

I am so sorry that you do not have siblings.  Although, sometimes they help, sometimes they don't.  I have 3, and have support from one of them.  It has helped me.  One thing I did glean from your post is that you do have the support of your ex and your wife.  They get it.  Take that validation.

You are younger than me.  I was at that point at your age.  And have been through many ups and downs with my NM and Father.  My father has also cut my sister and I off from saying anything negative about NM - he has alienated us as a father and now is her puppet.  So we lost our mother in childhood and have lost our father in adulthood, even though both are alive.

And the fake families.   :shock:  OMG!  I am so tired of hearing about everyone who adores them.  Since I am older than you I have seen from my experience that these fake families eventually get it.  And they move on.  And then the NM's find other fake families.  And these families move on.  Currently NM's latest fake family is feeding on her (funny twist of fate!)  They are too needy.  And she is complaining to me about them.

So, I am so sorry for everything you have been through! :(  It is a work in progress.  No quick fixes.  Moments of peace.  Years of frustration.  I am at a peaceful time right now.  And expect a tornado any time.


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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2010, 12:05:25 PM »
one part of me says that they're not worth it - which they are not - but the other side of me knows that this is not natural - and yearns to have a parent relationship

Hate to be blunt but you're 36; if you haven't had one by now, you're not going to have a natural parental relationship with them. They're probably going to get worse.
Some people are just hateful and terribly damaged and they ruin the lives of those in their orbit. If they're not worth it, they're not worth it, and all the yearning in the world for what is "natural" won't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.
Are your wife's parents alive and if so how do you get along with them?



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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2010, 01:22:42 PM »
Read your post and it was hair raising. It is so difficult to admit that our parents are incapable of healthy love.
You have a good grasp of all the chaos and manipulation that they create.
 You don't deserve it. I understand perfectly the triangle your parents create with others who
are surrogate family. What a cruel thing for parents to do. Really unspeakable.
If you are looking for validation for your perceptions you have it. I agree with how you see the picture.
There NO way to make your parents happy and approving. They will also screw up your child and why set your child up for this?
It is not the Waltons. 
The really sad and crazy thing to do would be to stand around for all the punishment and insanity that is directed at you in the form of projection and cruelty.

You take the time to explain and justify your view of the situation in elaborate detail. It is a profoundly abusive and manipulative picture that you paint. Having been there I can read the signs. This is not your fault and you are dealing with a particularly lethan species of the Queen Bee.  There is no changing them and do you want to morph into  what she wants? NO.

Grieving the loss of parents while they are still alive is so painful. But you are guaranteed to have more of what is happening if you stick around for it. Sorry if this sounds so black and white. Good you wrote in and got some validation for your story. You sound like a very caring son. But this is beyond reason. Guard your little family from these grandparents.

Good luck. Trust your intuition. You do not have to put up with abuse to be loved.

Sea storm


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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2010, 04:12:50 PM »
Grieving the loss of parents while they are still alive is so painful.

SO well put, Seastorm...

And I'd like to add: the ONLY way to move past that grief into a new, serene chapter of your life where you're no longer tormented by anger, their sabotage, or all the rest of the toxic stuff...

is to really grieve. Grieve with great compassion for yourself. Your own dreams of a loving multigenerational family.

It is very painful and hard. You might consider doing some therapy or support group where your pain will be accepted and held gently, and where you can let it course through.

It is like after a storm, when you DO let grief rise and express itself. The waters calm.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2010, 04:40:21 PM »



I used to post here - quite a bit - more than 4yrs ago. At one point I asked to have my posts deleted, and I tried very hard to just "deal with it".

I'm back.

For anyone who does not remember,(I still recognize a few names)  I grew up with a NM, and a father who I idolized at the time for standing up for me once in a blue moon against her lies and bizarre behavior. As time went by, he began to loose his spirit, to protect her instead, to drink, and has finally arrived at the place where he has become like a servant to the queen. She continues in her usual capacity, except it has intensified over time. Her mother was the queen N of her family, and since she died 3yrs ago, my mother has done her best to take her mother's place - as the NM of her siblings, and myself and my family - things have gotten worse. My father has sunken into black and white thinking which only favors her - she is "always right" in his view. IF you speak up or try to communicate your feelings about her behavior, you will be "cut off".

There is no way to rewrite all of the unbelievable situations that I came here and wrote about until 2006. I can only tell the highlights - that I had this childhood where I felt like I was secretly being emotionally raped by my mother, and my father did his best to try to force me to not speak up or question it - or to tell anyone else. To "take it". If I spoke up, I was wrong to do so, labeled as angry, and a terrible son, and punished. She lied constantly, as she does today. She slammed doors in my face and told me she hoped I would not succeed in life. She purposely got me into trouble with my father - like a big sister who got joy from it - instead of a mother. She pushed him until I was belted quite often - for no reason, and he would comply with her, all the while asking her if it was "enough yet". There was so much - but the part that was even more bizarre for me, was that NO ONE outside of our home would ever believe ANYTHING I said  about their behavior - because my parents had literally everyone around them "duped" and believing that they were awesome, wonderful people and parents. If I spoke up, then or even now, to most that know them, no one would believe me. I thank God for a few friends and both my ex and my spouse's (now) ability to see it after some time. I don't feel alone when I know that she knows, and understands.

When I came here before, it was in the days preceding, during, and following a massive rage from my parents, which resulted in two years (almost) of not talking, though we lived in close proximity. Since that time, I have experienced a divorce, my parents have moved about 53 miles from my home, I 'm remarried, with a (now) 1yr old with magnificent blue eyes and smile. My older two children (after a long and arduous battle) are now 50% with me and my wife, and the other 50% with their mother, only around the corner from us.

The former situation ended because my ex and I were tired of fighting their raging. We decided to accept that they were mentally challenged and to just try to blow them off going forward and make peace. Then the divorce. I tried to forget it all.

I am an only child, and my NM and dad have always been cultivating other people my age (all females with husbands and children) who they consider to be their "children and grandchildren" - and who they try to force upon my wife and children I - while badmouthing us to them when we are not around. These people never see their true side. That is reserved only for me. When they spend alot of time with them, my mother starts to get cockier toward me. In March of this year, it reached an all time peak. My mother asked us if we could tell them some ideas for cabins to rent for a vacation this summer. We gave some ideas, and suggested (for the kids sake) to make it a family vacation for a weekend or so. My NM said no - they wanted to go alone. (ok) A week later, we received a call from NM, asking if they could take our children on a vacation with them - to those very cabins we suggested - with the OTHER  people, effectively removing my wife and I from the picture. We tried to ask her how she would feel if we did that to her, and she just claimed it was a misunderstanding and blew us off.

A week later we received two very nasty emails - both criticizing our life and lifestyle  - and claiming that we dont make them feel "wanted" enough, like their pseudo family. A week later she started trying to act like nothing happened. My wife and I wrote back saying that she cannot talk to us like she did and just expect everything to be"ok", and that we would like an explanation. We used "i feel" statements, and did not say anything nasty back, but we were firm. No answer. Nothing. Weeks went by. Then I received an email from my fathers account, written half by her, and half by him. She proceeded to continue slamming us left and right, claiming we were "keeping the children from them", etc. and my father started calling her "his  wife" and telling me that I cannot speak to my mother anymore - I will have to communicate through him ONLY, and that I/we were wrong to send the email we did to my NM before, that I am an angry, threatening person. No apologies, no acknowledgments.  I wrote back that his message was asinine - that I will not talk "through" him, that I am 36, not 8 - and that if they would like to continue to be a family they will have to stop acting like they are, and my mother would need to call me when she was ready.

Weeks went by.

Last Monday, I received a profane text message on my way home from work. I replied that I was busy and that I would call back later. THe profane texts continued, telling me "you demanded this command performance - not call me and end this BS now or we are driving to your HOUSE NOW!". I told her I would not have a confrontation, and to call back when she was not so angry. The names continued, and texts, and later two nasty voicemails - one from her - one from him - until I shut off my phone. When I turned it on, there were more, and one last message with a picture of them, saying how old they are and that they "love" me and always have... and to "take my time" and call back later in the week. ??????

I waited a day.

On Wednesday, I received a text message from my mother saying that I would no longer be allowed to call or email her phone, as my father had blocked me with Verizon, to "protect" her, and her fragile blood pressure. (yeah right). I would only be allowed to call my father going forward, and not her. I was furious. I wrote her back from an internet page that lets you send text messages from other numbers, and told them "good luck with that - and that I wish them a great future together - and that I would not crawl to my father. If they wanted me to talk to either of them again, they would have to remove the block on her phone and stop acting like immature children. She wrote something back - saying she was sorry for offending us in March, but that I can only speak to my father now. I told them good luck, goodbye.

I blocked my mother from communicating with my 12yr old daughter on FB - after discussing it with my ex. My mother had been saying divisive things to her in messages, and comments and we both saw it. Instead of calling me, she called my EX, to try to "fix it". My ex told her to talk to me - but reminded her that I CANT CALL her anyway.

Weirdos. Bizarre, weirdos. I want to scream. I am 36 and they are STILL doing this to me. They STILL look like wonderful people to all of our mutual friends and family, and I, as usual, - the angry bad son - and now my wife is included with me. And you know what? They've already begun smearing us to their little friends and were seeing signs of it. They're increasing the time they spend with their fake family and fake grandchildren, instead of trying to fix this, in the meantime, my little girl with the huge blue eyes has no grandparents - and they don't care. They don't care. I have trouble rationalizing that, but it's true.

So I'm back. I felt weak today, and almost wrote a text to them to remind them that I will not talk to them until they remove the block on her cell phone - BUT, I took another turn and came here. There was strength her in the past.

I hope someone makes it through my loooong post ;-) Thanks for listening / reading. I just don't know what to do... one part of me says that they're not worth it - which they are not - but the other side of me knows that this is not natural - and yearns to have a parent relationship. Do I go into another two years maybe permanent end to that relationship - or will it be as stressful as it was before... I don't know. Its eating me up as it is.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2010, 04:43:31 PM »
Standing by........



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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2010, 07:17:55 PM »
Seastorm and Hops said it.  We do grieve for what we yearn for and will never happen for us.  But once we get through that grief, and realize that we DO NOT deserve the treatment we are receiving, we are at peace.  There is still that part that wants it for me.  But it doesn't control me anymore.


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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2010, 04:40:25 PM »
First I have to say, having read through all of the replies I received, I am so glad that I chose to reach out to this board for support again. It really increased my strength to read your perspectives, and to not feel alone in living this type of situation. Thank you all so much.

I spent some time this weekend thinking about it. I took my son a few miles out into Lake Saint Clair (MI) and we fished and sat in the sunlight and peace surrounded by the surreal blue of the water. That kind of thing helps me. I had the thought at one point - "look, you're having such a nice morning - and w/o the toxic personalities." That helped too. Except when we lost a huge fish but, thats another story. ;-)

@Hopalong: I sincerely wish that my family and I were in a position to move, however being in MI, and having a house value nearly half of what we owe, it will be quite some time. I agree with you, that now that the shock of this happening again has begun to wear off, I have to grieve - all the way. I think the problem is in part, that I started to grieve in 2002 when we went NC, but I never quite got through it. After 1.5yrs we caved, and w/o meaning to, over time I went off my guard. I just need to learn what things I can do to grieve, and get it over with in a healthy way. I find myself driving down the road searching for music that fits my feelings on this, and staring into the distance when people are talking about other things, thinking about it.

@ Logy: Your post moved and validated me. The "fake family" thing is terrible. The people they chose, are my age, people I was very close to growing up, and their families. I was VERY close to all of them growing up. My children were once close to their children at one point. I was also just as close to one of my cousins and her family, who they've absorbed. With ALL of them, I/we have now suffered the loss of those formerly close relationships. My NM and father run around to these people smearing us and lying, and their venom has effectively killed whatever was there. They believe my parents. Judge and jury, we're hung. In peacetime, my mother pushes them at me and my family, and talks about them constantly. Carries pictures of their children and not one of my own. Last night I received an email from one of these former friends, who they refer to as their "daughter" now, telling me that "I am missing out on all of the fun" and that hopefully someday I will take the steps to "fix things". She went on to criticize me and my expectation that my parents would stay out of my divorce business, and asserted that she, like my mother, will remain friended to my ex on FB. These people are blind to all of this. I dont have the energy to try to make people understand anymore. You said "My father has also cut my sister and I off from saying anything negative about NM - he has alienated us as a father and now is her puppet.  So we lost our mother in childhood and have lost our father in adulthood, even though both are alive." How true to my experience. I just dont understand this one. HOW and WHY does my father ALWAYS have the need, whenever I express any of my thoughts or feelings, to alienate me from my mother, and try to channel all communication to her, through himself? WHAT is the DEAL? Immediately, he starts sending me messages calling her "his wife" and telling me I am wrong to send messages to her, calling me "angry", "how dare you" kind of vibe - protecting her? From ME????? I never said a single angry word. I never called. Why would they block me from calling? Why does he try to "protect" her and act so vicious toward me... his SON? His first motive is to divide, and then alienate me from them. Every. Single. Time.

@ Mudpuppy: My wife is from Germany. Her parents are over there, as well as her sister, brother in law and their children, and extended family. Her parents visit us once a year for a month, and we get over there around Christmas for a couple weeks yearly. Her family, while it has what I would term a "normal" level of family dysfunction, is very warm, caring, and level headed. They always treat us with respect, and we enjoy our time together. If I did not have my two older children here and an ex to contend with here, I would have no problems moving with my wife and youngest daughter to Germany - if anything, just to live a life with "normal" family, while we have the chance. But - it's just not in the cards at this point.

@ seastorm: "Grieving the loss of parents while they are still alive is so painful." I have often said something similar to my wife. It would be easier to let go of them, were they not living, as there would not be the knowledge that they are out there somewhere, still treating me/us this way, and there would be zero chance that they or their little minions would pop up and try to explode into our lives again, and ruin the fragile grieving process, or even the calm of acceptance after.

So, it seems that although there is a long way to go, the path in front of me is a path of grieving, followed by acceptance and peace. That gives me some comfort. I remember getting close before, but ultimately I failed in that quest. Perhaps this time I'm finally beaten enough.

I spoke to one of my cousins (father's side), who was sexually abused as a child. What she described was exactly the same feelings I've experienced in this situation, having been mentally and emotionally abused, instead. Like her, the abuser (NM) would have her way with me in secret, and if I tried to speak up, even to my father, I was silenced. I was made to live with is, and forced to let her do what she wanted to me - emotionally. To watch her lie, day after day, and shame me every chance she got. The abuser maintained a grandiose view of herself, and was well liked by others outside our home. Nobody would believe me, even if I tried, so I thought. I felt isolated, and cut off from the world around me. All of these feelings are the same feelings my cousin described from her experience - only difference is that my abuse was emotional and mental. But I think, they leave the same scars on your mind and heart.

When I think about it, nothing has changed for me as an adult with them. She gets cocky, and tries to "have her way" with me in secret, but then when it's not secret, and my wife knows, and I/we come out and say - what do you mean by that, her whole world comes tumbling down. She hides, and he takes over and tries to beat me into submission, and to silence my voice again, at 36. Then they run to their little friends and fake family for validation, and overdo it spending time with them, and smearing our name, to make sure their images arent tarnished, and ours are - so that nobody would ever believe us.

Is that not a correct picture? I think it is. It's abuse. My father handles it just like his sibling did. Just a different flavor.


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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2010, 05:15:49 PM »
I've experienced that scenario too so I know the pain oh so well!!!!!  As a result, I have NO contact with any of the relatives from my childhood.  The last time I communicated with any of them, they proceeded to throw NWomb-Donor's POISON into my face again, WHICH I DID NOT DESERVE!!!!   :P

You don't deserve that abuse either, EVER!!!!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Back - NM and Father at it again..
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2010, 07:38:19 PM »
Oh, yes.  Those long time family friends.  My N brother has a friend - another N whose major focus in life is how much money he can make and how many cars he can own.  He calls NM every Mother's Day, every Christmas and on her birthday.  She saves the voicemails and plays them for us and tells us how wonderful he is.  (Hmmm.  They didn't think he was so wonderful when my dad had to go over to his parents' house when they were 16, wade through the bodies passed out on his floor from drugs to drag my brother back home at 4:00 in the morning.)  I'm just so tired of hearing NM and dad talk about how wonderful he is, how wonderful and beautiful his mother is, how lovely his girlfriend is.  This guy calls her 3 times a year but he is their "best friend".  Why?  Because he is the image of the rich, powerful family that they want to associate with. 

I'm so sorry for your situation.  You do not deserve that treatment!!!  I am thinking about you.  (Sorry for the big fish loss.)