I've just figured out something. As some of you might know, I've struggled with the guilt of going NC, and not being able to "handle" my mother. I'm always worried my relatives will try to lure me back or judge me harshly in front of my daughter. I think sometimes my daughter will grow up to find out I was as horrible as my mother envisioned. I'm getting somewhere

I figured out I'm constantly putting myself in this category of "people who don't deserve respect".... but only I'm alone in it. I think my mother "put" me in this category a long time ago. Everytime I pulled myself out of it, I was drug down in it again. When she couldn't get to me anymore..... she used my husband, I recovered less well everytime. When my daughter was born, WHAM!! I woke up to the reality this was wrong. I felt better going NC, but still I felt like I didn't deserve any respect.
I think I'm finally one of "those" people who can have respect without guilt. If I don't think beyond this I'm okay. If someone judges me for going NC with my mother I'm not going to entertain any defense. The NC comes from my mother being impossibly toxic, not my "failure" at this relationship.
I've also figured out I don't have to be responsible for taking the high road in every relationship in my life. Going NC can be a very uncomfortable experience for family, but I did not do this. My extended family will have to do thier own soul searching to understand, I can't shield people from my mother anymore.
I plead neutral, I'm not her keeper, and not the soother of how relatives feel about this. I'm good enough, smart enough , & gosh darn..... people like me (right out of Sat Night Live). NC was a very hard decision for me to make, and people who don't get this either don't respect me or know me.... So why would they matter.
Thanks for being a witness board:)))