Wall St Journal article today on how modern T's train using movie characters & THEY have identified Scarlett O'Hara as NPD...
ah! validation! Part of me always felt like I was being unfair in judging her that way... but I STILL didn't like her!!!!

Scarlett and Rhett were manipulators (exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage). Beneath manipulation lies a lie. Follow the lie! That, for me, is the quickest and most accurate way to tell an N's from a non-N. Manipulators often operate on charm, innocence and sweetness. The more of it they exhibit the greator their mastery of the art of manipulation. I wouldn't go so far as to say that all charming, sweet, innocent people are narcissists, but sooner or later, before I become vested in a relationship/friendship, I need to see more than those three character traits. Manipulators = narcissists in my book every time!