Author Topic: Workplace bullying  (Read 4597 times)


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Re: Workplace bullying
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2010, 07:42:17 PM »
Does anyone know if you can sue a job for not paying you? I was never paid for the last week I worked at my old job, but the HR is claiming that they did.  There's even proof that I didn't get paid, but HR is still being stubborn and trying to twist the story.   It's as if they're trying to get me to "give up" and leave it.  I've been spending the past couples of days reasoning that I never got paid.

At my new job, a bunch of co-workers used to work for my old job (it's a stepping stone for new graduates). They've told me horror stories of the agency getting revenge on them,   My step-dad claims "Maybe HR made an innocent mistake".  BS. I intuitively know that they're doing something fishy.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 07:44:11 PM by nolongeraslave »


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Re: Workplace bullying
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2010, 06:42:48 PM »

I totally know how this can be!!  I too am an educated professional and an very disappointed in this situation.  I think nobody should be treated this way, but when a certain amount of time and passion is invested in the plans of education and keeping up certifications etc... It can be devastating. 

I think that situation is really screwed up.  You are not alone.  I want to be more hopeful, so commiserating helps to be validated:)

you might be in a situation with that last paycheck where the employer knows a lawyer may not be work the hassle and extre money for you.  If that last paycheck was really big, maybe it would be worth fighting.  Is there a union?

Best Seastorm, we'll weather these things together with this forum!!


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Re: Workplace bullying
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2010, 06:47:47 PM »
Thx Bear for your kind words, you are not hijacking:). I can refocus my postings if I need to.  Really anything related to bullying is validating now.

Sorry to hear you went through something similar, if the DONM thing wasn't enough!  Glad you are out of it now though.  How did you approach the next jobs culture after that?  I'm trying to focus on this now.  I need a new job and the tone starts the moment you meet an employer, so I'm doing a crash course:)


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Re: Workplace bullying
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2010, 07:12:48 PM »
Update:  I worked today for the first time since that meeting.  It was okay till right before I alked out the door.  I was called I to the office by this new manager and was asked to sign something about 2 other complaints they had about me so it could be in my file with the department head.

I told the new manager I didn't feel comfortable signing such papers as this was the first time I was "counseled" on this wrinkle in my performance.  I said I was accostomed getting a friendly reminder and a chance to improve performance first.  Furthermore, the fedback on one of the items I was not given clear guidelines to follow.  In fact, I was covering someone elses work while they were on vacation.  It goes on and on... Anyways, the manager actually signed the letter and hands me a copy.... I could see him sweat as I put it in my purse.  I'm contacting my union rep and will not have another meeting with this guy or the director without a union rep present.

I'm a nice person to work with and always go the xtra mile.  I know life is not fair, but this seems so unreal.  The situation that happened today was in addition to pulling me out of my area of main expertise. 

Clearly I'm realizing working for certain employers can be a liability to a person's  career.  I'm trying not to think I'm really horrible, at this point I'm ok just thinking the approach of this manager is a little odd or even psychotic.  I have a voice inside that is thinking these people will blackball me in the university.   

I would LOVE to hear from you guys, it's been a weird day...


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Re: Workplace bullying
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2010, 07:35:11 PM »
Hi Seastorm-

I was websurfing and and found a webpage that deals with not getting last paycheck.  It has a pulldown menu to pick the state if you live in the USA.  I guess each state is different...


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Re: Workplace bullying
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2010, 03:36:48 PM »
I cant help with specific situations like paychecks etc. because I live in Canada and things are different here. 

The concrete manipulations are part of the general destruction though. It is hard to believe in yourself but you have to. This is a difficult road and if you can work toward getting out of where you are, then that can help sustain you. Narcissists gravitate to positions of power and they destroy people offhandedly and without conscience in the workplace as well as in personal relationships. There isnt much out there about workplace insanity. I think Mad Men on tv is pretty good in showing how sick the manipulations are and also how bullet proof the pecking order is.

The Dalai Lama wrote a book on work. He says " Remember you are there for the paycheck, it is not your life". Be sure to keep your life going outside of work so that you can keep perspective. I didn't and it is not healthy. Share your feelings and get another perspective from folks here.

Sea storm


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Re: Workplace bullying
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2010, 01:08:07 AM »
Oops Seastorm!!  I meant to leave that link for the last paycheck info for Nolongeraslave.

Thx for the reminders about keeping a rich life outside work.  It's hard with my new motherhood role to keep up socializing.  I had a very active social life before motherhood started.... I need to be sure I schedule adult leisure time, whatever form that may be.

Gaining Strength

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Re: Workplace bullying
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2010, 12:23:19 PM »
Swmmer - I am a single mother.  My husband died when our son was 7 months old.  I was running a non-profit at the time but within 18 to 24 months everything collapsed.  I only had the energy to keep me and my son alive.  I have been trying for the past 6 years to build relationships and friendships.  It has been very, very difficult. 

I do see that you are being attacked from each and every angle but I encourage you to carve out at least one hour a week to maintain your friendships.  Even though it will feel as though it is yet another burden or another distraction I promise you it will come back in spades - if you chose to work on your friendships it will come back in remarkable support if you chose not to it will come back in profound alienation.  I know it is difficult right now but I encourage you that if at all possible it will be lifegiving rather than depleting.


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Re: Workplace bullying
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2010, 12:48:37 PM »
Gainingstrength-  yes I totally agree, and I need to make this a priority.  My husband and I will throw a potluck BBQ this weekend.  You are giving me the extra oomph to say yes I have and energy for this.  This isn't new that I'll have many friendships and support I don't realize.  I made this a priority before my daughter was born, but now I have to do this again.

Your story is convincing this importance, so thank you for sharing and your time.  Your insight and ability to make lemons into lemonade is apparent to me with your wisdom:)