Hello All:
I hope you don't mind but I need to post today to just deal with a situation I'm facing today. I have an NM and a severely Nsis. I have been estranged from the Nsis for a long time, and rarely have to see her. Today, however that changed. I was sleeping and I suddenly heard raging and screaming in the house. I recognized my Nsis's voice....and stayed put for the time being since she tends to be a loud person. I heard her raging at my dad and mom....and it escalated so I went into the hallway and asked what the problem was. She started raging at me...threatening, etc. She was out of control, volatile, making no sense. NOt sure what the trigger was but she was definitely out of control. When my parents tried to calm her, she just got worse. ranting and raving at me, in my face kind of thing. I stayed calm and wanted to say or do nothing to worsen the situation....but it was clear she was not going to stop.
For my own safely, I decided the best thing was for me to leave since like they have my whole life, I knew my parents would just enable it, not call a doctor or hospital to help her. This is not the first time she has gone off like this. When things don't go her way, she is unable to cope or function and goes off. I feel a bit guilty leaving my parents with her....but I know my Nmom has a calming influence on her (Nsis is the golden child after all). I think my Nmom will also try to protect my dad as much as she can. He will stay out of the way. As I was running to find my car keys to drive the H out of there, my dad said to me, "I don't know what we're going to do with her?. I said, as I always have said, "Please call the hosptial or police. She is unstable and they can keep her for a psych evaluation." He won't. They have absolutely refused to bring in medical help. My Nsis is apparently terrified of being diagnosed as "insane" or "crazy" which she is

....She was railing at me pretty bad....I looked in her eyes and I could see she was really and truly crazy.
So, for now, I'm staying in a hotel. I'm going to work on moving..perhaps out of state. But in the interim, this is where I'm at.
I'm wondering if I did the right thing. Do you think it was wrong of me to leave? I do honestly know the only person that can calm her is my Nmom and I really don't think my crazy Nsis will hurt her.