Hi everyone,
It has been a while since I have ventured onto the site. Mostly I have been terribly busy and just getting on with life. I am writing from Italy where I am house sitting for two months, learning Italian, very, very slowly and writing. I have been thinking about you all recently and how much my life as changed since I first visited this wonderful site. My friend said to me recently that I had "re-invented" myself, not really, just instead of putting all my energy into Ns I have focused my energy on what makes me feel alive. I am in my second year of my PhD, hard, wonderful work. CB so much time reading, you would love it.
Life is good. I am content, single, and so less afraid in the world. For me the latter has been a huge opening up of all sorts of things. I am no longer fearful of everything. Before I came to Italy alone for two months I got a little anxious, what am I doing, what if I will be lonely etc, what if I can't find the apartment.....blah, blah, blah. Well it really was quite straightforward and I realised the worst thing that could happen is that I would feel afraid/lonely/...solution: buy a new ticket and go home, not exactly rocket science! I think so much of our lives are given over to fear that focusing on others takes us away from that fear and terror of being out of control. Well, it has turned out very well and I wanted to share this little adventure with you.
I wish you all joy and strength, especially those who were so supportive of me in the bad old days.
Very, very best wishes,