Hi all

Hope everyone is doing okay. I've missed you guys! And am looking forward to getting to know some new names that have joined up over the summer - Hi to anyone that doesn't know me, I'm Twoapenny and I decided to take a break from the boards at the start of the summer and do some work on myself.
Well, the summer has been productive. I spent a lot of time avoiding the company of adults. This was very deliberate. My whole life has been built around satisfying other people and giving them what they need, so I wanted to figure out who I am and what I want. I had regular weekly sessions with my T, and some weeks she was the only adult I spoke to all week. She has been a really big help; I feel like she has been helping to give me (or at least the child in me) some of the stuff my parents didn't. She's been helping me set boundaries, constantly reiterating that it's okay to have emotions (yep, you all know that was never allowed!) and constantly getting me to focus on what I want, how I feel and who I am. I have to say that at first I found it incredibly hard and I have had to really work at it, but it is starting to feel a little more natural now and I must admit that I like it!
I am finding it easier to say no and finding that I feel less and less like I have to have a 'valid' excuse for doing so. I am finding it easier to express my opinions without worrying so much about whether I might offend the other person. I am starting to see that not everyone is threatened by someone who has a different outlook to them, so I don't need to treat everybody with the same level of worship and adoration that I had to show to my parents. I am starting to get a sense of who I am and I am also starting to experience real feelings in real time, rather than constantly feeling like I'm in a bubble, or getting a very intense reaction to something days, weeks or months after it happened. I'm finding it easier to be aware of how I feel and to notice a strong reaction to something, because I think it usually means there's a trigger there that I will want to work on. I'm feeling like I can really trust my T, and in all honesty I don't think I've ever felt I can really trust anybody my whole life.
I've done a lot of grieving. I've cried and cried and cried, but I've tried really hard just to let it out and not to hinder it or stop it from happening. I figured you don't cry if there's nothing to cry about, so it's better just to let it flow than to keep trying to hide it inside. I turned 37 in August and I spent the day in bed crying. I cried for all the years I've felt so lonely, all the years I've felt like a freak and a failure, all the years I've been convinced I'm stupid and fat and lazy and like I don't deserve anything in my life. Normally I would never have done that; a birthday is a time to show everybody else how happy you are and have a good day. But I though "a***holes to everyone else, I'm not happy and I'm going to stay in bed and be miserable". I know it sounds silly but it was something I knew people wouldn't approve of and I needed to do it to show myself that I don't need other people to think I'm great all the time.
So that's a little bit about what I've been up to over the summer. It's a work in progress, but I feel like I've made good progress. For the first time in a long time I don't have a constant nagging desire to just end it all and I'm actually feeling hopeful for the future. I'm starting to feel more content and more satisfied in myself and less concerned about the way in which other people see me. I think it's the start of a better life. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone and sharing everyone's news! Thanks for still being here!!
Lots of love,
Twoapenny xxxxx