Thanks Guest and Phoenix,- keep me posted on this one, would like to hear.
Well, thank God, I feel Im on the way out of this one too.
Phoenix, the trouble with 'wanting it enough... ' is this issue of the will. In my case it was literally 'the will turned against me, that is my own will turned against me', I could feel it, there was something inside me, I came to call it an internal sabotuer, that literally pulled me towards self-destruct. i had to fight it, but how can you fight your own will? theres nothing inside to fight with! , ... ... So, I guess the thing about 'wanting it enough' is paradoxical, ~ Its not so easy to explain, but talking here is helping me to articulate, I think...
thats where the recovering addict paradigm was the right thing for me, I had to turn to #God, and to others recovering, something different to reboot from. Howver, at that time I still didnt have a full understanding.
Guest, I have heard that one about 'familiar' a lot, and for some it probalby fits. To me, its about something deeper than familiar. It feels like coming home, true, but its more like trying to get a psychic splinter out. But yeah, .
...this also....
balance of being open, without being a doormat...
me too, learning to live from a different basis... However, I needed resolution first before I could live in a better way. Its a long story, kind of hard to get the full meaning into unerstandable shape, ...