Thank you for asking , Mo2
At 17 months I am almost pain free, with the aid of a neurological pain medication. I still watch what I do, like housework, so as to not cause any set backs in that area which is mainly a place of tenderness.
The Insurance Co. cut my therapy funding back at April's end 'for lack of significant improvement'', but allowed 2 more days in May 'IF I wanted to focus on driving again", being it was said that I likely never would. I now do. So I hired the therapist on our own contract, about $600.00/m with no Ins'ce Co. having a say. We have made many more improvement in 3 months, and she is definitely on my side, doing her best with me and I try as hard as I can. I have even stood up, while holding my desk, but I have to treat each leg separately as one is an inch shorter. I won't walk again, but this will help the hamstring stretches and increase my lost agility.
I can do all my own housework, shopping, get down to the floor and back up again to the chair, dress with far less discomfort, but my social contacts have hit the skids, so long, losing two jobs and the people who used to call and email, work-related or not. They were good acquaintances but not best I just say 'no loss there'.
My lawyer is in close contact, and as soon as my therapist says I have plateaued, he will quantify the claim and present it.
My sister, who was here in April, is going in for surgery tomorrow, a cyst and a tumour that suddenly brought on pain and the tumour has grown since it was discovered 2 weeks ago. She will have a complete hysterectomy, be home on the 4th, must not drive or ride in a car after surgery. I ASKED IF THEY WERE GOING TO MAKE HER WALK HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL. OOOps she may have that one ride....and she has her 70th birthday party planned, for the 18th, with 70 woman coming, maybe more. Wow what an undertaking, but the plans have all been made.
Meanwhile, my lawyer is sending me to a grief counsellor, as I said that I have lost my motivation, for mundane things like housework. (As soon as I told him I hadn't dusted the living room but once in 3 months, I dusted it again.) I thought, just embarass myself and I will do it. but he understands the loss I have experienced, and my therapist says it will look good on my claim. I have to do the laundry, but my excuse was that I didn't have enough loonies for the machines, 2 for wash, 2 for Dry =$4.00. Now I have 9 loonies so no excuse, so must do it today, as I will be concerned about missing a call re my sister tomorrow and don't want to leave the apartment.
Love Izzy