You're right that it takes both bits - the action/reaction - to create the yuck. I've kinda tortured myself with the "which comes first, chicken or egg" analysis of that... and what I'm finding now, is that linear order doesn't matter, really.
I gotta go back to the idea I had a couple years ago to explain. Remember the conversation about mental/physical habits? About the 2 way street and nature abhoring a vacumn? Restating that, the "old voices" or initial action that provokes an unwanted defensive reaction... need to be replaced with SOMETHING ELSE; one can't just simply "let go" the old yuck or give it up or run away or shut it off - without putting something else in it's place. If there's nothing new and different to put into the space where the yuck used to be - unfortunately the laws of nature take over - and the "default" crap returns; I think it's like both entropy and persistence of radioactivity, at work here. This is what we struggle with, I think - in our own ways, trying to find new stuff to replace the old yuck.
And if you can replace - let's call it an old, invasive weed this time - with a new, pretty plant, it takes some time and nurturing for that new plant to be established. Practice - in terms of our habits, including the mental/emotional ones. How much time; how much nurturing; how much practice??? Those answers are unique to each individual and situation, methinks. And that's why I believe in tallying, counting, stating and celebrating even the most incremental progress over despair, kicking myself for not doing better, etc. or in anyway making it harder for myself to keep moving at whatever pace I can. Whatever pace I can progress is whatever pace is right for me, at the moment. (Despite what the old voices say!!)
After all - this part of me hasn't done this kind of "work" or been allowed to be this active in quite a while. She's stiff from being all folded up into her box... her eyes needed to adjust to the light... just standing up took effort and practice, before it felt "normal". It took long enough, as it was, to get her to stop being afraid. But that's how much time she needed to take. And that's what is happening - at glacial speed - is that slowly but surely, ever so subtly - change is happening; good change. It just needed a good long time to get the roots established before it was comfortable and secure enough to bloom...
So according to this experience I'm having - I would say that I am my own worst unintentional enemy, in that - I've recorded those old voices, those old feelings - both parts - in my photgraphic, emotional memory; and now all by myself I abuse myself (if I'm not carefully conscious)... because I didn't know that YES, I really could squeeze all that old yuck out... with new, pretty, happy stuff. And once I got enough practice at this... it started to feel more normal for me; and one day I sorta realized - oh, I don't do that anymore!! I don't "need" to do that anymore... etc.
New stuff requires taking some risks, making an effort to see things in a different way, trying to "connect" - even if with just a smile to someone I don't even know, and constantly reminding myself that I'm no worse off than the next person - and not better, either. What I went through might be unfamiliar to some people; many more will recognize and connect with parts of it. What happened to me isn't equal to who I am. Both kinds of people are just people and an opportunity to bring something "new" into the mix... to keep replacing the old yuck. (And yeah, sometimes you run into "new yuck" - but after all the work I've done with y'all here & on my own - it really doesn't affect me the same way; as deeply or as long. And there is even more progress here, too.)
GS, I know you're making more progress than you once thought possible. I think your sparrows are simply trying to tell you, you're ready to start connecting now.