I lived in a Jewish-majority neighborhood outside Baltimore for years. Loved my neighbors. As I got to know people around me (and my boss and company owners' families too) I tried to understand the massive grief they all carried. I saw the tattooed numbers on the arms of a few older people in the shops.
I had first seen those numbers--more of them--on some people's arms in Paris when I was 10 years old. I asked what they were and remember my parents hushing me.
I have watched many documentary films of the horrors, read nonfiction books about WWII (too many titles to recite--but how on earth could such a massive body of eyewitness testimony be dismissed?) and heard stories of people who had liberated the camps.
Some things are so crushing that the mind wants to veer away. "It's not true" is more than a defense, though. I think it's people wanting someone else to blame for their own pain. Comfort of a crowd. Specialness of having an alter-view.
I think how odd it is, the vigor that holocaust deniers put forth about what would be such an impossibly elaborate revision of reality. The link I feel to our lives, is that denial of abuse is no different than denial of genocide. The underlying thing is not allowing victims of abuse their reality. Trying to control victims' experience...(because if you DON'T, you have to face the resident capacity for that much evil within yourself--which involves a world of heartbreak.) I think that heartbreak has to happen though, for any human to understand what morality is.
What bullies do (and warmongers with their "collateral damage") is, I think: not only will I try to annihilate you--or at the least, close my eyes to what you suffer at someone else's hands--but if you survive, then I'll try to force you to say you were the culprit in harming ME (iow, a conspiracy).
Holocaust denial is a massive projection. If those handsome (in Western eyes) wholesome-looking well-organized Nazis that could do that--could I do that? The deniers' psyches contract from that horror, and they project it out.
They start with physical differences evident in some, but not all, ethnic groups. Separate themselves as human beings from that group. So then they can blame, vilify. Someone who is "other". Someone whom they perceive as "different".
We must never forget.