There is life but there is still a massive clean up ahead.
AH! but it will soooooooo much easier than in the past! I believe that the "life" = "energy" or motivation or desire... and so will fuel an exponentially deeper, faster movement through now. Sure, there will still a "hangover" effect of the old patterns... they'll stick around, but I think you'll find that the fear surrounding them and the intensity of the power of the patterns is way diminished from what you've experienced up till now.
So that you'll have a lot more of the kind of experiences where you'll realize in a quiet moment - OH! that's gone! I haven't "done that" in a while... or "I don't do that anymore". And sometimes, in stressful periods, you might notice some of that starting to creep back in - I've noticed this myself. It's like we hold those old dysfunctional patterns in our brains as a default, fall-back, "if all else fails" way of coping. But the "pay off" - or what these old patterns used to provide in the past - isn't as satisfactory; maybe don't have the same kind of energy... as before. So, they also don't have so much "power" over us and are easier to change, even if that change is - "again". (I'm more than ever convinced that the concept of "practice" is essential healing.)
Some of my & hubby's old habits have crept back in, while we've been grieving MIL and adjusting to a new reality of life without her presence. Sure - hubby & I had our own patterns of being together pretty well established prior to living with her the past nine months. But now - the situation is still quite different from the past and while we've "tried on" the old patterns they just don't "fit" as well now. There's a sense he & I both have, that we're in "new territory" and while there's the comfort of the "old & familiar" (which was really toward the dysfunctional side of the spectrum)... that comfort is a lot less than we'd both hoped for.
So it's onwards... towards new things. And while that doesn't feel as "natural" and doesn't come totally without some intention and effort... the "pay off" of making those changes has more value than the old patterns of coping we used.
On another note: have you thought yet about changing your moniker here? I'd say you've got plenty o' strength now! It shows through the new "voice" I hear, in what you've been writing. Very strong; very clear... and between the lines, I sense there's still more to discover.