Thanks, everyone! (And a big wave & welcome back to TT!!)
I guess I can relate to just about everything you all mentioned. Historical perspectives, looking behind the "numbers" for the bias (and I'm well versed in how to make them appear to mean something specific - I have a lot of background in "PR"; ironic, isn't it?); and trying to find the questions to ask behind the debates and arguments...
and I think what motivated my original question here, was whether our collective group-mind here might have a different perspective or approach to politics, based on what we've all experienced. I know I can safely say that we're all a tad more sensitive to a perception of unfairness; injustice - whether it's social, environmental, or personal. But I think I can also generalize a tendency on our parts to question how certain we are of our own opinions; the truth in them.
That's interesting to me because it suggests that we might be open, relatively speaking, to new ideas, compromises, and accepting that even "facts" can change, based on the changes in our personal and collective "present moments". We understand about evolution of ideas and perspective... because of our experiences in healing, perhaps. I wonder if that could contribute anything useful in the political arena? It would certainly be a different "voice" than what we've been hearing lately.
Well, so much for pondering - practically speaking, I have to get my butt engaged in the mundane stuff of living again. I guess this is one those things that will roll around in my head while I'm vacumning and caretaking and running errands. All your responses have multiple avenues for further "research". Thanks very much!