towrite.I saw this thread title and thought I had written it! ----so I almost skipped it!

I, too, have a difficult time believing that I am me. My posts for 20 months have been about physical pain and sloppy medical helpers, and wondering when I can plan an end date for all this.
I read on another forum about the ending of unemployment insurance in the USA, and about the jobless, and I just cringe at what the world has come to, hoping Canada's neighbours can rise above all the things going wrong.
For now, I receive the Old Age Pension, and GAINS Supplemental monies, as well as Canada Pension Retirement, and a grant for rental assistance based on my Income (which is only Interest at some insultingly low rate that gives me $.02 month.) That covers my expenses and I can, for the most part leave my savings alone.
I don't know what to say to people in dire straits....expecially if jobs are not available, affordable housing is not availabke, if Social Security is going to fly out the window. It is definitely a sad scenario, a worrisome one!
Is dirt old enough to collect SS?
Keep a stiff upper lip and think positively, watch the papers, and bulletin boards, and 'pray'--- sometimes just out of the blue, the answer will come!
All the best