Author Topic: How to feel better  (Read 1467 times)


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How to feel better
« on: November 26, 2010, 06:45:37 AM »
I had the blessing to spend Thanks Giving with my son and his girl friend's family. It was fun. The sadness disappear for some hours.

Now, I want to feel better on my own. I need to feel better just for my slef, by my slef.

I have pain in my stocmach but it is sadness pain. Not physical pain. I need to feel well.

Dont know what to do. I dont believe the bubble bath. I mean mental work.

I need to send this profound sadness away. I tis killing me.


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Re: How to feel better
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2010, 07:11:03 AM »
I need to focus on the good.

My son is doing fantastic.

I dont need a man to be happy. I can be happy on my own. I will clean my apartment. Cook for the next week.

Focus on my work, on how to turn around the problems at work I need to succed.

Need to pass the GRE so I can apply to a PHD program. My exam is the 11 or december. I need to pass.

I will find somebdoy to go to the movies with and laugh witha comic dumb movie that makes me forget my lost love.

I do not need M to be OK. I will be able to dance on my own. I will go to the dance tomorrow without fear.


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Re: How to feel better
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 09:06:19 AM »
It feels like my throat is getting to narrow.
this sensation of abandonement is killing me.

Please, god, give me peace.


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Re: How to feel better
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2010, 11:17:43 AM »
How about going to a library to study, Lup?

They are peaceful places, and you'd have the comfort of being in community and studying for the GRE in a safe place.

Maybe you just need the GRE more than dancing. But trust your own judgment about what you need.

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How to feel better
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2010, 11:40:41 AM »
thank you hops and pr.

I went riding a bicycle with a date. I did not see him for a year. The year I was devoting to M. His name is R. He p[romised me to call again. He seems like a nice guy. But, this time i will go very slow.

I felt well all the time I was with this guy. I forgot about M. On thanks giving i went with my son and had fun playing games and I forgot about M.

Then last night I went to the movies with  a lady friend and I had a good time. But I did not enjoy. I could not forget about my aguish.

M just wrote me several e-mails. He is so stupid that he asked me to come to his house now and spend the weekend with him. I wrote him back telling him that I do not plan to go to his house for a long time.

Next week I will see a dentits friend neighbor of mine adn will go to the mvoies with him. Thank you God. But still the fear and aguish from M is there. I am going to the dance tonight and he will dance with me. I will dance with him. Hope to have the strenght not to go back with him. I need to be free. His is N since he just want me back as if nothing happened. After three days fo abandonement. Has to be an N. I am a furniture to pull or push at his convenience.


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Re: How to feel better
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2010, 03:24:37 PM »
From Karl Perera's website.

Don't give up on self help books or courses. Change your attitude and expect success before you start.
Write down your goals (what you want to improve) before you start reading.
Make notes as you read
What steps can you take to apply what you learn? Make notes about how to take action
Start a journal and each day write about your experiences and any improvement you made, this will encourage you to keep moving forward
If something didn't go well think about how you can act next time using the knowledge you have gained from your book or course
Realise that change needs time and hard work as well as commitment. If you buy a book or course make sure you give it time to work and don't expect results to come immediately
Share your successes with others. Tell your friends or family
Reward yourself when you succeed no matter how small the success was