My DD and I had lunch today and she relayed something my NM said to her at Thanksgiving. My DS and DDIL were the hosts this year (they did a marlevous job!) so included at dinner was DDIL's Mom and brother. Last year at this time DDIL's family lost her maternal grandmother. So before we ate, DDIL gave a short toast to her departed Grandmother. It wasn't maudlin, but lovely and sweet. While it brought a tear to her eye and her Mom's, it was nothing inappropriate or over the top.
So after the meal we are all helping to clean up, well that is all of us except NM, who is waiting to be served her coffee and pie like a Queen, when she calls over DD and asks her to sit down. Then NM proceeds to say how wonderful DDIL's toast was and how she wished we would cry over her! DD was shocked. She said to NM, "you realize that they were toasting because the Grandmother had passed. Wouldn't you rather be here with us, alive and having FUN!" NM reply was that no one cries over her and she wish she would. (Well I've cried over NM, but not in that way she would want and wont ever again!) DD said to her that NM has "issues" and then went to help in the kitchen. I wondered why NM had a pout on for the rest of the day.
I just have to shake my head. These types of incidents only further validate her NPD. What a sad, foolish weirdo!