So... the night finally came, and my wife and I got into the car and rove up to the church in town where the my older children's school was doing their Christmas program.
As some here may recall, I've had quite some anxiety over this for awhile, since it was the first time that we would be under the same roof with my Nm/coNf since last January, and following his letter to me, which I posted in another post earlier. ( And then his second letter to me, posted: The bottom line, a lot of terrible things have happened toward me, and my wife - this time mostly from my father, strangely.
Last night we walked in, and sat purposely in the balcony where I could get pictures of the kids, with the double purpose of avoiding my parents. My wife had said to me that she didnt think they would approach us - but, I knew better.
As soon as the program was over, (the kids did a great job), they watched where my children when when they came to see us, and followed them like lightning up the stairs to the balcony, and there we were, trapped with the stairs on the other side of them. My father walked over to me and shook my hand and said "I love you son", and my mother (there was no way of escaping it) hugged me and feigned some fakey sounding tears, and shoved a little stuffed animal toward my youngest daughter (22mos) who hasnt seen them since she was 12mos old. My older kids were standing there.
I didnt say a word. I just looked at him stone cold. After the drama with my mother, I just said to my wife that it was time to go and we made for the stairs and left. (The kids already knew we were leaving - the little one had a fever and we had decided to avoid more chance of drama with my parents in the coffee and cookies thing afterward.
So, I dont know. Maybe it was the xanax that I took beforehand that helped me to remain calm. The thing thats strange - is that to anyone else it would look like they were acting like saints, but I know better.
My father was most of his life a man of few words. It would be easier for me to try to believe that his "I love you" and handshake, was his way of saying that he is sorry for the things he said to me in his letters and treating us like we didnt exist for the last 7 months.
But, I'm willing to bet, that with him, it was not an I'm sorry, and, most likely it was more of a "I will give you another chance to be my son - lucky you."
My mother is just sick. I know better than anyone, her fakie crying. Ive known it my whole life. This last week she wrote text messages to me, totally disregarding the situation, telling me how horribly ill they are - that "they think" my dad has a brain tumor, and that she is getting "chemo-iron infusions" (she's anemic), and I dont know how many other made up medical conditions. 4 text messages worth. Psycho.
I would be interested in what the wise members of this board think. It is tempting to try to achieve a 'less hostile' NC situation - by assuming that the old man meant more than he really did. Idea being, still NC, but less bad blood between us.
But the other side of me says, "nahhhhh!"
PS: there is a second Christmas Program they will be attending next week. Oh Joy!