Christmas is definitely the worst time of year for me. I start stressing as soon as the catalogs start arriving and the TV commercials start airing. Migraines, acne, increased anxiety - my body has a hard time coping. I'm now NC, so don't have to make the trip anymore, though they still try to push my buttons by sending guilt gifts, guilt letters, and guilt phone calls, all which get ignored.
I don't have any kids, so for the last six years it's been just hubby and I and the dogs. I do miss some of my Aunts, Uncles, and cousins, but I'd MUCH rather be lonely than be in that viper pit. Being with them was always an experience in loneliness anyway. I talked, NM ignored me and talked louder. If I want to talk to myself, I'd rather do it at home.
My two dogs were not welcome either, not because they are bad dogs, but because my brother (the GC) always brought his pack of Scottie dogs, and didn't want my dogs there to "bother" his precious babies. I'm like you when it comes to my dogs. If they can't go, then neither do I. One more excuse to stay NC.