^That nice and fuzzy moment sure didn't last long!
I stood up to my mom and voiced that my taste in jewelry is different than hers. She always sends me gifts that reflect HER taste, and not mine. She wants me to wear what she wears. I'm her little barbie doll. I think it's important to let her know that it's not necessary to spend money on stuff that I don't need. I USED to let my mom control how I dressed, but I don't want to do that anymore.
My mom FREAKED when I told her "I don't really like this pink jewelry that you give me" She accused me of treating her like shit, how I don't love her, how she's was trying to help me look good by choosing certain jewelry, etc. This is precisely why I used to let her control how I looked. I didn't want to deal with her temper or mean comments. Even as a 12 year old, I remember my mom throwing a fit over me wanting to wear a black shirt when she wanted me to wear red. She gave me the message "You need MY help to look pretty. I know what looks good on you. You don't know anything" or "You're a bad daughter who's hurting me if you don't wear what I want you to wear." Having Body Dysmorphic Disorder, I believed her. I did anything I could to avoid looking ugly, so I listened to her.
Now, I'm at the point where I want to wear what I like and not what my mom commands. But, she took it very poorly today. It was at work, and I felt like shit the rest of the day. I sometimes feel standing up for yourself is draining.
I remember my mom saying "you're such a weak person. Why can't you stand up for yourself?" Here I am asserting my opinions, and she's getting angry at me. I'm trying not to feel responsible for her feelings, but it's hard.