Hi Kelly,
So sorry that you're having to go through this. As if the holidays weren't stressful enough on children of Ns. If your family is anything like mine, there is absolutely nothing you can do to change this behavior. They're all crazy and nothing can stop them, so don't waste your energy trying. Stress is bad for your health, and right now you need to concentrate on taking care of yourself and staying strong. I know first hand how impossibly difficult it can be to sit back and watch family members play these childish games, but we have to try to distance ourselves from it as mush as is possible. I'm able to cope somewhat by trying to accept what I can't change, and working on what I CAN change. I'm putting my energy into my own work and career, and will one day have the last laugh by being truly successful in my own endeavors, with no assistance from them.
In a way, it seems like the best way to fight narcissism is WITH narcissism. They spent their entire lives caring only about themselves. Now it's our turn to quit worrying about their dysfunctional mess, and take care of US.
It's going to be tough getting through the next few weeks, but you can do it. As Hops said, you deserve to simply savor life. Be good to yourself, and know that you have friends standing behind you to cheer you on. I'll keep you in my thoughts. Let's not allow the Ns to ruin our holiday, eh? Be happy, and stay healthy.