Author Topic: Deb...  (Read 1090 times)


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« on: January 02, 2011, 05:11:50 PM »
How're you doing?

Is your tooth OK?



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Re: Deb...
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2011, 06:58:31 PM »
Hi Light,

The tooth is (behaving) and hope it last for the next two weeks.  That is the earliest appt I could get.  They did give me a prescription for antibotics which I just finished but it doesn't feel completely gone.  I'll call them monday about it.  It is going to need root canal.  So far so good (knock wood).

I had a nice time at the holidays.  I spent time with (friends) get together lot's of laughs (old friends) meeting (new friends) and just had a great old time.
Some of friends had moved somewhere else and some friends are new (here) not the nut (he's excluded).  Now we are all friends.

Went to my sister's on Christmas (the whole family) and the new family member to be (well alway's was) just goning to be legal.....My D is ENGAGED!!!  With our SiL to be. He asked her to marry him a week before Christmas. So that was Happy Times and I'm so excited for them. 

Then we spent New Year's with the old friends/the new friends (all friends now) with the new one's giving a toast...Our family has been here only a year and you all have treated us as your family.  To my extended family!!

And boy now am I tired. 

So things have changed up...traditions's are different then they use to be....

They have to be.  My children have to blend famlies and we can't (just do our own) we have extended family now (such as SIL to be) with his family, with our family, with their friends, with my friends......and new Traditions (but it's all good). 

How were your Holiday's, Light.  I thought of you (everyone here).  I do miss my children being little (the santa watch) so very excited, the cookies and milk for Santa but even that will change again.....With GC someday.  Enjoy your kids they grow so fast. 



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Re: Deb...
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2011, 10:33:18 PM »
I'm so glad to read you were feeling OK over the holidays....

that you had a wonderful time.

A new SIL is good news, and things do change.

I have to admit, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss when the girls were little.

I still hug them up and pretend they're small.

My holiday was busy, and bustling with a house full of family, friends and laughter.

It was different and good and unexpected in many ways, but I'm elated and relieved that it went so well.

Lots of snow...... an unexpected ramp on the sleigh slope.  Nothing traditional, but all good: )

Happy New Year, Deb.... and may you find a more responsive dentist.
