Might I ask how old you were when you were on that trip? --or if not into giving ages, how much time has passed since your actual trip and the statement about your parents taking the trip?
I will tell you something that happened to me, and I most certainly am not an N. My first born grandson was 4˝, when his N father, SIL to me, kicked me out of their lives. At 4˝ he had a white blond mullet and the bluest of eyes. He climbed all over me and loved me to death. That is the grandson I remember in 1991
In 2004, at 18, he rode his motorcycle 2000 miles to see me, but I was not the main reason. He had other people in this province to see, and spent 2 nights here. His eyes were darker: he was a tall, grown young man, with dark blond hair. As we chatted I began to ask about certaian things that I hoped he remembered, but he didn't!! How Sad for me. So I told him stories about the 2 of us, the way I had seen him, the things he had done, and I would be saying...
..and then there was one time 'he climbed up a pine tree and was trapped..." (should have been ˙ou"...) or "....the time that he and Ma....(should have been you and Mags..)
The little boy and the teenager were 2 different people.
I realized then that I no longer had any idea what my grandson was like, after missiing 14 years of his life. (He's now 24... missed 1991-2011)
I have missed 19 years of his sister's life (She's now 21... missed 1989-2011)
and ALL of the younger brother's life.(He's now 18... missed 1992-2011)
I don't know them, and to talk to a grown up one of them would be, and was, like talking with a stranger.
Might that scenario help?