I made up my mind a long time ago, that I wouldn't satisfy that "why can't can't you just be pleasant and sociable" expectation,
How did you do that? What did it look like? Can you remember an example? I would like to do this but I don't really know how???
You will feel it in your body not your brain. The brain can be burned, cut it feels nothing unlike the body. In this way fear and pain are are dissvolving in my own life. Side note..........When I said "I was looking for your approval and will not burden you with is". This was the childs words and knowlege.....My need for a small world... me and mom.... where the reality she denied in her feelings.......was that she felt like I was a burden. If she had acknowledged it she would not have projected her feelings on me and left me what she thought was wrong to acknowledge...the truth. I carried this reality when I was around women. wanting approval feeling like I was a burden. Even here intellectual understand is not enough the pain must be felt in order to feel.
I have read writings that describe what you describe here. it makes sense to me. I believe you but I have no idea how to get there myself. About your writing above concerning the child's words about need for love - I completely understand that and am often aware of how that plays out in my life. Being aware and becoming aware more frequently is necessary and very helpful. I completely get how "intellectual" doesn't do what "feeling" does.
Post mortem is a really, really difficult time, esply in view of how the chips have fallen. After my NM died, I avoided speaking to people because many don't know what to say & it irked me to hear their Hallmark Card b*llshit. I felt the most safe in therapy sessions. Other than that, I felt like crap. And it takes time to adjust to the new reality.
I am laughing with recognition, especially over "Hallmark Card b*llshit." Thank you. that really connected.
A therapist friend of mine told me that when an N parent dies, the adult child has a "complicated grief" full of regret, anger, guilt & sadness.
Thank you. Very helpful. What I don't feel is "loss." and that feels weird, sort of like something is wrong with me. Not because anyone says so, not because I don't know better and yet to not feel loss when my father dies is ... so many things - so many empty, "different", marginalized things.
and my current theory on feelings (you knew I had one, right? LOL...)
Ha, ha, ha, ha - yeah - I did and thank goodness you do!!!!!
is that IF we just feel them and "let them be what they are"... they only last so long. The more practice I got at just feeling... the shorter duration and less overwhelming the more toxic feelings were.
I'm getting it. James was saying the same thing, and Ann3 and you. Hearing it in different ways, even though it is not new, is helping it to begin to break through.
Here is the rub. Often when I am feeling these things either I am not alone or being out in public something happens to provoke or trigger them and the emotions I (with emphasis) feel are ones that society frowns upon and so it starts this repetition of feeling, acting, consequences that always results in me being marginalized or not experienced favorably. So I usually just stuff it and get irritated, aggrevated, impatient, frustrated, dah da dah da dah and so on.
Forsythia's budding up here. I'm going to cut some and bring it indoors to force it the rest of the way.
Here too and jonquils and other flowering trees. Good idea. Monday I hired a woman off the street to help me and my son clean his room. Tuesday 4 women came to help me clean one area of my house. They are coming again next Tues. Embarrassing? yes A blessing? yes.
we feel like the deck is stacked against us
I really do PR. I do feel like the deck is stacked.
I would only admit that here.
It is one of the questions on some psychological evaluation that prove you've got some psychological disorder.
But isn't that deck stacked against children of Ns. It looks that way to me. Not that all such children come out damaged in the same way. My brothers and I each fared very differently. but I do feel that the deck is stacked - not impossible but stacked none the less.
But it's good to remember that those feelings are temporary... and also how to give them the space and time they need, to be able to move on to other feelings.
Good advice, very good.