Hi GS...
I so feel for you and what you've been going through - your dad & all that PLUS where you are with the inner work. It's just SOOO much all at one time. But you're really handling it pretty well, I want you to know that's what I'm seeing in what you've posted about it, so far. I hope that's helping build an inner sense of confidence - I have been "hearing" it between the lines of some of your posts... but I do know when life is crazy-busy sometimes we ourselves, don't take notice of those kinds of changes in ourselves. S'OK too! There's only so much "us" to go around, isn't there? Only so much time...
You & I have from time to time "paralleled" or overlapped on the same topic; the same points of work... and been able to help push each other along. I have so benefited from your way of describing what you're dealing with; how you understand it and I hope I've helped you too. I almost actually started to just post on your dismissiveness thread... to join both our points of view on this... but I sensed that it might only have muddled or confused the clarity of what you were saying - so I brought my "stuff" over here. And actually, this thread derived from a conversation over on Lighter's thread - and something I tripped on over there that I'd been avoiding looking at in 3-D... anyway, I felt like I'd be in your way and that this was a big topic for you. I wanted you to have your space and soapbox, to hear what you have to say... and we could go back to comparing notes, later!

One thing I struggle with - and that hubs has been working with me to get through (hence, his involvement in "styling" my communications sometimes) is that those old relationships... the old FOO stuff... is so subtly interwoven internally... that I often don't notice that I'm expressing myself always from a negative angle; hell - I even can SOUND like my mother; freaks my girls out! (They've been given explicit permission to always point out to me when I do that.) When that negative lens and soundtrack was operating a lot more of the time than now... I really didn't notice how I sounded - verbally or in print. Well - my excuse for that is simply that this is how everything was expressed in my FOO. Positive expressions could even be dangerous emotionally - in that one would be humiliated or shamed for being so "stupid". Put downs... for seeing blue sky and sunshine... and drinking it in and revelling in it.
SIGH. So of course I learned to put myself down for anything hopeful or positive... and in an attempt to be taken more "seriously" - heard - I learned to communicate always from that more negative or cold, hard rational place... once I started really hearing "Twiggy"... and her emotions (the old inner child work) I started to see beyond the Mr. Spock mask... and since negative was so familiar, I was able to dive into the loss, grief, and pain... and on the other side found the carefully hidden away positive, optimistic, happy-silly part of me. I started to work on expressing myself in a more balanced way - not avoiding the negative things in my expression, but adding more & more positives. And I felt completely uncomfortable, unsure of myself and self-conscious doing so. I had given hubs the permission to help me learn how to do this... and over time, as my confidence grew and it didn't feel so unfamiliar... I needed him to help me with this, less & less.
I guess it wasn't until just recently that I noticed - hey, I can do this all by myself and don't need an editor. It's unfortunate that I expressed it via resentment for his voluntary assistance - I've already apologized - neither of us realized that he could "stand down" from that role... but now that he has, the constant ouch of that splinter in our communication with each other seems to be going away, too. And I feel more heard - like he's able to sense my emotions in/through what I'm saying better than before - too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed - waiting to see how long this lasts!

Guest: I too have a small inner circle of people... but that's been an involuntary choice. For so long, I felt so uncomfortable in large groups of people... so overwhelmed from a sensory perspective... that I would just shrink in, and smaller, until eventually I'd have to flee and get some air. Now, I have boundaries that help me hold my own in those situations... I realize that I was trying so hard to control - or if not control, "know" everything that was going on around me... to feel safe and relaxed. Going to Walmart used to be like going into battle for me... and now hear I am dining with, swilling beers with - doctors, lawyers, businessmen, bankers and the southern debutante crowd and of course, part of me felt anticipation of another kind of battle... a rowdy art school grad, who can hold her own in biker bars, and has broken up her share of bar fights? In that setting?
Well, that description of me is only a partial one. It's not a fair comparison... because of all the OTHER things I've done and been successfully... that put me on a more peer footing with these folk (who are NOT their jobs or their bank balance... they are people with stories, too; sometimes like mine - but always interesting). It was just the old "mom in my head" tapes running again about "those people"....
I'd like to add to or at least keep the current members of my inner circle... but where I need to work the most, is in populating the circles that are a little further out. People that may never ever hear about Twiggy... but that might be interested in just shopping or having lunch or kayaking together. Making connections of friends of friends... finding things to do with people who are NOT my hubs! (and finding him a fishing or golfing buddy...). And to do that - I've got to be able to stop the instant excuse that springs to my lips every single time I'm invited to do anything... "I'm not sure I have time"... sigh. That's just a rationalization; an excuse for the reality that I'm a little in awe and a little scared and little self-conscious - and even a little afraid that I won't like x person... and what do I do then??? hahahahahaa! Like they're gonna be as awful as the bioNic mom...