Sea - I agree with you that it's a good thing to make parenting a popular topic! There are a lot of viewpoints that would make for a really interesing discussion... and parenting is SOOO important, as we all know.
Even in western culture, the idea of a sacred childhood, is relatively recent... "children" were necessary as a labor force, when our country/economy was mostly agricultural. I guess that's why my Grandma was the oldest of 10 children, you know? And the Amish/Mennonite families still tend to have larger families. Can you imagine being mom to 10 kids? That's like a day-care center!
And the current "norm"... of keeping teenagers "children"... or of them remaining dependent has extended into, at the very least, the 20's... (I know there's something very "wrong" with this, but I've not quite defined it... higher ed is partly involved.) From the education angle, I'd love to see the "grades" condensed and accelerated... so that 16 yr olds are graduating high school... but then, instead of sending them right to college - where their every need is provided for again - have a new (old) "system" where they apprentice out in the "real world" for real wages (maybe a separate pay scale while learning a skill or providing service - because they still live with mom & dad) and they begin to learn those subtle life lessons that constitute "maturity" BEFORE they begin their higher education careers. It would help them a lot, I believe. It would also help higher ed figure out how to balance their mission and their bottom lines... (that's another rant...)
At the same time we keep kids dependent on families/parents - we also force them into isolation ("go do your homework")... or by virtue of economic necessity - neglect their attention-needs. I'm thinking latch-key kids. Home school kids have some of the same issues, too, I've noticed - and some additional ones. The "problem" young folk I've been involved, with all have issues of discipline, self-control, entitlement, organization, and feeling like they - and what & who they are - matter. I've seen this same problem across cultures (our school was at least 10% foreign students - from all over the world) and across socio-economic levels.
(I don't think the "self-esteem" movement - especially as implemented in education - has been very successful... because if a kid never makes a mistake; never fails... it just logically follows that they don't succeed - or know the difference between success/failure... our whole society seems to think that "failure is not an option" and that it's the same as permanent "losing"... whatever happened to "learning from one's mistakes?"... some of the greatest inventions came from "mistakes" (not to mention art... music... etc.)
Maybe I'm just old & cranky this morning! I sure don't think I have the single "right answer" to how to raise kids... but I have thought about it a lot... including wishing I'd done things a bit differently or not done some things...