Hi Everyone:
Sorry that I've been MIA for awhile, but the last few months have been rocky. My NM passed away suddenly in the beginning of the year and we are all coming to terms with it. Your kind condolences are appreciated, but not necessary. Honestly (and where else can I be completely honest about this) all I feel is a sense of peace and relief. Its over. All the angst, anger, sadness and frustration I always felt has been lifted and I feel free in a way I have never experienced. If I have one regret, it is that now there is no way to ever get NM to see and to understand how she tortured me all those years. Yet, it no longer seems to matter. As I said, its over.
There is one matter that cropped up recently and I am at a lose as to how to interpret it. In going through NM's things, I came across a memento box. I'm sure we all have them. Bits and pieces of our life that are too precious to trash, but not exactly something to be displayed. I found the usual items, her birth certificate, her marriage license, old pictures, letters from long-lost friends and several handmade cards to her from my brother. You know the type, ones that were done in school for Mother's Day and a few I remember helping him make for her birthday. There was even a lock of his baby hair. What do you ask was her memories from me? Bills. That's right, copies of bills she paid on my behalf. For example, the doctor's bill when I got my tonsils outs, the bill for my braces, the bill for my wedding shower, etc. All the money she spent on me throughout my life was the only thing in that box (beside my birth certificate) that proved my existence.
I know my brother was her GC, I've know that since the day he was born. But there was not one silly childish drawing, not one handmade card that I did for her and trust me I have memories of making them. For some reason - maybe I'm blocking out the obvious here, but I am at a loss and was hoping you wise women can help me worth through this.
Thanks in advance.