Thanks everybody. I'm feeling better about it. My friend I saw last night hadn't even seen it, which I knew was possible (she only checks email about once a week). She promised to let me know if it had a demanding vibe to it or anything, to her view, when she reads it. And we're okay.
I will just ask the other 3 sometime. But in person, not by email. One, when I think on it, allows me to "drive" the friendship. I do believe her when she says how much she values me, but on the other hand, I'm periodically triggered by the sense that if I didn't contact her, she'd never pick up the phone and contact me. It's not that there's not real mutual affection, it's that the initiating isn't reciprocal. A lot of that is due to her being a real introvert.
Tupp. Wow and ouch. You were there. Thanks for what you said about the inability to be direct. Very key. Email is a comfort zone for me. Seems so "efficient". But still, I think calling would have been better.
All of it really goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back to when I was a little girl, rejected by other girls. As a grown woman, I have to be careful I am not reading in rejection where none's intended.
Thanks, Mud. Naww. I'm all sorts of exasperated at various things. But it still feels like where I belong. Some of the time, I'm really tuned in to outer faults that I can just easier find within myself, and that's where the satisfying "progress" is. Most of the time, I'm just grateful to belong. I should keep an open mind though. Maybe even go some other places just to deepen my awareness of other communities. That is always a good thing.
CGM, I'm so glad you were able to find a new community--what a painful time you went though. For me, this is the only one in town.
[Izz, I just sent it to myself and openly CCd the four.]
TT--I did understand the newsletter "rule" once explained (though it's been totally inconsistentl applied). It's honestly the way she explained it that was unfriendly. But...she of course has been put in charge of "Communciations". It's kind of fuNNy. Big voices get big jobs!
Thanks,'re right about the connection about being a child of N. Still, I am wary of my Nspots. I appreciate the support though and will consider myself given permission to take up oxygen!
Guest, that was funny. A "spiritual escort" service. Hey, might be a good gig!
Hope I didn't miss anybody. Gotta dash. We're getting a new minister after 3 years of interims and everybody's excited. He's very nice--smart, deep hearted, asks tough questions, great humor, and is going to create joy. (Juggles and used to be a clown.) I think he may shake up the stuffiness and be very good for us!