From what I can see, Im afraid it seems that we've been full of corruption, this isnt the first. Its kind of indigenous in the culture. For example, the cutlure in journalism is: 'do whatever you need to get a story', Rebecca ~Brooks is quoted as saying "I like him, he'd turn over his own grandmother....." ie to get a story. So, with that kind of psychological pressure, eventually people buckle. And someone like Sean Hoare who had decency and courage challenges this, and now he's dead, died suddenly. True, he was ill, but still, its too suspicious.
(I've been having rescue fantasies).
Theres more to this story, and it gets, well perhaps not worse, but equally bad. Dead soldiers from the war had thier phones hacked into. A young girl who was murdered - Millie Dowler had her phone hacked into by the paper, as a result the police thought she was still alive because messages had been opened, and they didnt investigate, the killer went on to kill again.
As I see it, its the N principle of ruthlessness to get whatever meets thier ends, others are intimidated by the hierarchy and comply, and the end result is horrible ~ lives are lost. Looking at Rebecca Brooks with her flaming locks and pretty face, and her high exec position, rubbing shoulders with the powerful including the primeminister ~ I dont have too many doubts about what character type she has. It not just the perverse abuser behind closed doors, society is freqeuntly run by these types, they are sophisticated, "the devil comes dressed in his best clothes".
A hopeful not to end on?? The suns shining finally, theres a crow crowing behind a tree out back, and Im glad to have been able to share my worried thoughts with you other members of the human race.