Author Topic: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....  (Read 2788 times)


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Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« on: May 28, 2011, 03:11:16 AM »
....just getting along with people, regardless of colour, race, religion etc.---

I have been researching Obama’s eligibility and I have finally discovered something I didn’t expect…..that there are numerous people who know that he has been ineligible to be President of the U.S.A, yet no one has had the guts to speak up.

If you had known why, with proof,  would you have done something over these past 3 years? Most of us are not in positions to be ‘on the inside’ and know the truth, but if you were….would you?

Obama is not eligible to have accepted the nomination and stood for that position. He knew it and MANY others knew it. Now it is all going to blow up, unless America wants to be ……. as was Nazi Germany..  Wonder if this is all for revenge from WWII, but Obama wasn’t even living then. However, from Prescott Bush a devout Nazi German, to his son George H. W. Bush/Barbara to George W and his brothers. It has infiltrated the White House, your Country, your very being, infiltrated by Obama in 2008, questionable and agin in 2012 or Jeb Bush....... Nazi Germans, illegal aliens. How did this happens to the USA?

Well, one of the most Narcissistic persons I have seen in quite some time is Obama!

Let’s back that up to the N in your life. Would you like him or her do to you what the President of the USA is doing to its people? Would you stand up and fight? Would you demand your Constitutional Rights?

Would you file a complaint and have the defrauder go on trial? Would you also include any collaborator?

Well my USA Friends-- I want to hear that you would--regardless.....and 'regardless' can be difficult!

Obama is not eligible to have been President. Nancy Pelosi signed a form for Hawaii to make him appear eligible, FRAUD, as did Alice ‘what’s her name’ and the form (s)? was/were stamped and signed by and Notorized! One was sent to each of 49 States and the 50th sent to Hawaii re Obama and his ineligiblty and I really don't know why Pelosi wouldn't have stopped it on the spot!

Oh boy! When I began this I wanted to connect it to how we are all the same but different, and would do different things with an N, than would our favourite friend in the same boat.

i.e Would you fail me with a lie to protect yourself? Your child? Our parents? From having had to speak out the honest truth?

Will you all let down your country to Nazi Germans, beginning with Prescott Bush (George Cheraff, his true German name,)  then George H. W.. Bush and Barbara and their offspring, i.e George W and his offspring to people who would risk their personal lives to bring about the downfall of America? i.e your family? Only to have Obama be re-elected or have Jeb Bush be President in 2012.

And I have no one with whom to discuss this with, but with Nazi Germans in the White House, are they there for revenge re WWII???????

Just look at all the places where we see Narcissism! and just think of all the damage it has done!! Athough I'm alone and feel safe, I know they are still out there, not exactly after me, but I know I will have to pay a price for some reason!

.....and haven't I paid enough already?

Does any one get the connection?

Will you check on all this.?

I see this the same as an N pulling it over the eyes of a naïve little woman!…and right now I see O as the biggest N of all!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 03:16:20 AM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 03:27:14 AM »
Do any of you know exactly what happened on 9/11?

I've read it on the Internet. No one wil be charged, I'm sure, but the truth is out there but no names, as to who flew the white jet to guide the smaller planes, remotely, and to set off the explosions, of Napalm and creosite, at all 3-4 locations.

I suspect that pilot, of the white jet, is a psychopath, with no conscience at all, to have just pushed a button to kill 3000 or more people!

It makes me ill!
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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2011, 08:45:46 AM »
Iz dear...

I agree with you about Obama having some serious N leanings and am not afraid to say that. But then - so do most politicians; I think it's a basic qualification for office. Some handle it maturely and often do great public service, while others sadly do not.

But, I'm afraid I can't follow along with you on all the rest. I also don't believe the world will end in some cosmic cataclysm next year, either...
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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2011, 10:15:45 AM »

Hi Iz,

You know that old saying, "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see"?   Where politics are concerned, I expect that what is not known or suspected  is far worse than what we think we know openly. 

A skeptic of most everything, I am.



But, I'm afraid I can't follow along with you on all the rest. I also don't believe the world will end in some cosmic cataclysm next year, either...

Ahhh, but we could be eaten! :lol:


A group of nine unusual stars spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope in a young cluster above called NGC 3603 that are too cool to be ordinary stars, with analysis of their infrared light emissions indicating surface temperatures between 1700 and 2200 kelvin making them more like brown dwarfs, objects intermediate in mass between planets and fully fledged stars.

The catch is that brown dwarfs are dim objects that should be too faint to detect at the cluster's 20,000 light years from Earth. "We were quite puzzled," says Loredana Spezzi at the European Space Agency in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. But Spezzi and her colleagues think the enigmatic objects are part of stellar systems that spawned planets, then, devoured them.

Some planets are thought to spiral in towards their stars. That would explain why so many alien worlds have been found in star-hugging orbits. The team says that some may spiral so close that the star "eats" them - the star's gravity rips the planet apart and captures its debris.

This captured debris would form a temporary outer atmosphere for the star, which would be cooler than the star's normal light-emitting surface, explaining the apparent low temperatures of the nine mysterious objects.

These bloated stars, or "bloatars", would also be bigger and brighter than brown dwarfs, explaining how they could be seen at such a great distance, the team says in a paper to appear in The Astrophysical Journal (

I think a parallel or two could be drawn to compare us and our politicians to those planets that spiral toward their stars and are consumed.


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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2011, 07:25:36 AM »
tt -

and since we don't know... that which we don't know...

while being eaten by another star is a distinct possibility, there are so many other things that can also occur that would interfere with that process (maybe there's something even BIGGER and POWERFUL and more SCARY than the black hole type stars, that eats THEM -- or something else could happen to sabotage the "expected" scenario)...

it's not keeping me up nights worrying about it. For the most part, the only time I worry about things is when I think there's something I can or should do about them... everything else is just low-level background static, until something major happens. I mean, while I respect science to a great degree... I do realize that life and reality, the balance of nature in it's universal state, and the human condition -- are still largely undocumented, unknown (perhaps unknowable) frontiers.

Maybe it's this thing I'm going through with my brother that's starting to shift something major for me... but I'm feeling more comfortable with my ability to adapt to changing circumstances (whatever they are), understanding better how useless it is for me to scare the pants off myself (you just try running with pants around your knees!!), and to manage the emotions - instead of letting them push me around into death-star scenarios. OR maybe Guest's "it's not the end of world" perspective is rubbing off on me!

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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2011, 10:47:40 AM »


The only 'stars' that have harmed me so far are the two legged ones!  :lol:

All the other stuff - well, I think it's intriguing to think and read about, but none of it worries me.  The last century has to be one of the most fascinating (perhaps not the most satisfying) periods to be alive and the show continues.  During this period the good, the bad and the ugly have all been demonstrated in the most exaggerated fashion imaginable. 


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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2011, 10:52:20 AM »
Hi Izzy,

Does any one get the connection?

I don't.  And, in my view, using Nazi Germany in this light, severely minimizes the atrocities that this regime committed.  I hope you will expand the breadth of your sources.   For example, George H.W. Bush was a U.S. naval pilot war hero who bravely fought the Axis powers in the Pacific and saw a number of his squadron perish.  Whatever you might think of of his politics (and I didn't vote for him), to say that he is/was a Nazi is, IMO, simply beyond the pale.




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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2011, 04:37:18 PM »
[excerpt from Nazis in the White House] is not my work but what I read, but just like anythng else on the internet, right or wrong, it is the reader's interpretation, whether true or false. I'm searching for the background on "things falling apart" and reaching into Canada.

The History books Americans read in high school and college had no clue as to what went down behind closed doors beginning in the early 1930's when Nazi Germany spies infiltrated Wall Street via Hitler's Bank and financed Nazi Germany to the tune of millions of dollars. Companies like Standard Oil of New Jersey provided oil products to both sides.
Only recently in the National Archives, thanks to Journalist John Buchanon, documents were uncovered that the father of the first Bush was convicted for Trading With The Enemy and lost large sums of money as fines BUT WAS NEVER EXECUTED AS A SPY.
The History books never knew that that Bush and his son, George HW Bush, were actually spies for Nazi Germany taking on assumed identities in the United States never to this day admitting their Nazi Germany citizenship. Such Nazi Germany citizenship extends to George W Bush as a son of two illegal alien parents as Barbara Bush was also born in Nazi Germany. Such citizenship status and NOT BEING NATURALLY BORN meant America has had unqualified Presidents in the White House but even worse Spies working to wreck America in every way possible to benefit German corporations and the German government.
Only recently an associate of Hitler and Bush in Nazi Germany during the 1930's, Otto Skorenzy, rolled out his collection of SIXTY PHOTOS to tell Journalist Eric Orion how Bush I, Barbara Bush, and his father, Prescott Bush (GERMAN NAMES George Scherf and George Scherf, Jr.) were born and bred in Nazi Germany and worked for Germany interests in America. The destruction of America since WWII lies at their footsteps.

Although the heart of Bush's story about the incident remains the same, Mierzejewski , an old war buddy of Bush, is adamant Bush's account is not the truth, gives his account and blames Bush for the abandonment and deaths of both men. "I think he could have saved those lives, if they were alive. I don't know that they were, but at least they had a chance if he had attempted a water landing," Mierzejewski said.

This horrible crime was perpetrated to help the young Nazi, George Herbert Walker Bush establish a false reputation for being a great American WWII hero. Hitler’s plan to take over the world was right on schedule. George Herbert Walker Bush, is not an American War Hero! He is a sabotaging Nazi traitor! George Herbert Walker Bush should be tried for Treason."
Izzy [who still has a lot to learn.]
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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2011, 07:43:48 PM »
OR maybe Guest's "it's not the end of world" perspective is rubbing off on me!

I do like :  "Life is dangerous. Death is very safe."
But I dreamt the other night that I was trying to survive and save my partner from a tsunami that came at our backs. No joke. I was trying to push him upwards and wondering how deep the water was when I woke up. Drowning is a very very painful way to go. That's cheese late in the day for you.

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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2011, 11:25:05 PM »

Izzy [who still has a lot to learn.]

Hi Izzy,

If you want, indeed, to learn more about American history, foreign policy, and influence, there are many good books to read.  One of my favorites is Walter Lafeber’s The American Age (  I had the pleasure of taking Professor Lafeber’s foreign policy course as an undergraduate many years ago—and decades later I assigned to one of my book groups Lafeber’s book on the history of U.S. and Japan relations.  This was excellent as well, but of course, much narrower in focus.

Just as with your holocaust denial views, you are relying on agenda-filled, unreliable sources. 



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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2011, 10:42:57 AM »

This kind of "journalism" is fiction.  There is a place for fiction in our lives--some people think that we dont need discernment in choosing fiction, for someone like me (who gets very engrossed in it) I find I need to choose what fiction I read because it will still imbed itself in my mind, even if I understand that it is fiction.

The same thing with history.  There are all kinds of history books--some make no pretense about objectivity.  Those are okay to read too, as long as you understand that they are what they are.  You dont build your understanding of the truth on such books, and you dont hold them out to unknowledgeable people as an example of good history.

The guy who is writing this stuff--the hoax of the century--is not an historian.  He has not researched his material.  He is not presenting the truth.  You can choose to read him as fiction, but understand that he is fiction--and understand that what you are filling your mind with, is what your mind will be full of.  And if you hold out his writings to other people, be prepared for them to refute them for what they are--as inaccurate history and poor fiction.

Beyond that, it might be useful to question why someone would write such things, if they are neither true nor well written.  Could it be that he has an agenda that has nothing to do with the truth?  If so, why would you want to fill your time and mental energy with such rantings?  Just because something can be posted on the internet does not make it true.  And if it is not true, why would you want to entertain it?  I will stop short of calling him a nutjob, although I will confess that I googled "Jon Carlson nutjob" in hopes of figuring out who this guy is.  There is so much more edifying material that would truly stimulate your thinking.  Try the TED talks, or RadioLab. 

I would be very sorry to see you continue down this road, Iz, and be stuck there.  And I imagine that if you present this material in a venue that values critical thinking and historical accuracy that you will find few to converse with you about it.

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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2011, 03:34:08 AM »
I find that people with opposing opinions on a topic are able to have a very interesting interchange, and still remain friends.

It's all in the way it's presented, tone of voice etc, but one must be sure of the relationship first!

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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2011, 07:13:03 AM »
Hi Izz,

You might find some helpful thinking on this web site:


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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2011, 11:38:14 AM »
I find that people with opposing opinions on a topic are able to have a very interesting interchange, and still remain friends.

Hi Izzy,

As you have seen on this Board, that is only true when the opinions expressed are not demeaning and offensive.  Or when other members, out of kindness and/or a desire to help, temporarily overlook the nature of those views, and try everything they can to help the espouser see the truth.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 03:43:19 PM by Dr. Richard Grossman »


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Re: Ns in abundance, and how to conquer.....
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2011, 05:31:33 PM »
So it's too late for a meaningful interchange, here, but not in my real life.

It also makes a difference that I am Canadian, as are my real life contacts, and we can 'What if".. together, one on one!

Thanks all
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