....just getting along with people, regardless of colour, race, religion etc.---
I have been researching Obama’s eligibility and I have finally discovered something I didn’t expect…..that there are numerous people who know that he has been ineligible to be President of the U.S.A, yet no one has had the guts to speak up.
If you had known why, with proof, would you have done something over these past 3 years? Most of us are not in positions to be ‘on the inside’ and know the truth, but if you were….would you?
Obama is not eligible to have accepted the nomination and stood for that position. He knew it and MANY others knew it. Now it is all going to blow up, unless America wants to be ……. as was Nazi Germany.. Wonder if this is all for revenge from WWII, but Obama wasn’t even living then. However, from Prescott Bush a devout Nazi German, to his son George H. W. Bush/Barbara to George W and his brothers. It has infiltrated the White House, your Country, your very being, infiltrated by Obama in 2008, questionable and agin in 2012 or Jeb Bush....... Nazi Germans, illegal aliens. How did this happens to the USA?
Well, one of the most Narcissistic persons I have seen in quite some time is Obama!
Let’s back that up to the N in your life. Would you like him or her do to you what the President of the USA is doing to its people? Would you stand up and fight? Would you demand your Constitutional Rights?
Would you file a complaint and have the defrauder go on trial? Would you also include any collaborator?
Well my USA Friends-- I want to hear that you would--regardless.....and 'regardless' can be difficult!
Obama is not eligible to have been President. Nancy Pelosi signed a form for Hawaii to make him appear eligible, FRAUD, as did Alice ‘what’s her name’ and the form (s)? was/were stamped and signed by and Notorized! One was sent to each of 49 States and the 50th sent to Hawaii re Obama and his ineligiblty and I really don't know why Pelosi wouldn't have stopped it on the spot!
Oh boy! When I began this I wanted to connect it to how we are all the same but different, and would do different things with an N, than would our favourite friend in the same boat.
i.e Would you fail me with a lie to protect yourself? Your child? Our parents? From having had to speak out the honest truth?
Will you all let down your country to Nazi Germans, beginning with Prescott Bush (George Cheraff, his true German name,) then George H. W.. Bush and Barbara and their offspring, i.e George W and his offspring to people who would risk their personal lives to bring about the downfall of America? i.e your family? Only to have Obama be re-elected or have Jeb Bush be President in 2012.
And I have no one with whom to discuss this with, but with Nazi Germans in the White House, are they there for revenge re WWII???????
Just look at all the places where we see Narcissism! and just think of all the damage it has done!! Athough I'm alone and feel safe, I know they are still out there, not exactly after me, but I know I will have to pay a price for some reason!
.....and haven't I paid enough already?
Does any one get the connection?
Will you check on all this.?
I see this the same as an N pulling it over the eyes of a naïve little woman!…and right now I see O as the biggest N of all!