River, Freshwater, et al...
You know, the aspect of all this that was the most demoralizing for me was that I felt this kind of damage to "me" -- was permanent, unchangeable, so indelibly woven into me and how I expressed mySelf... that it would be impossible to extricate it, modify it, or just stop being it.
I was WRONG. That was also another propaganda message I assimilated, to stay safe. It's not an easy thing to address, mind you. But it's not nearly as difficult or horrible or complicated, as was presented; as I thought it was and was afraid it was. Once one begins to see this, it's like "Amazing Grace" takes over... and as long as one doesn't fight it, struggle & cling to the "old" by one's fingernails, against all odds and common sense... it picks up momentum.
River - I can understand your way of explaining how all this is possible. Your "language" of it is different than mine, but at a feeling level I KNOW that it's the same thing I went through. I've not liked how I explained it so much... it seemed so complicated that I could actually get lost in all the "dreams within dreams" kind of twists, reversals, projections, introjections, etc. The movie Inception does a great job of allowing people to sort of experience what this is like. Complexity, I've found, only obscures the truth and meaning of things - like how when computer systems get too big & complicated you've only exponentially increased the number of places something can break, crash, or go wrong. It's really easy to get lost in an experience like this -- until it can be simplified down to the most basic things.
It's just no longer necessary for me to keep going over it. Even for myself. There is nothing left to glean out of it... because of what you wrote: go mad or die. It doesn't get much simpler or direct than that! That little obsessive "me" voice trying to explain, to find it's way through the maze of the insanity of what I lived through just shut up when it read that little phrase. All it can squeak out is: OH. And now, after the emotional push from my D on top of that... much has changed.
And yes, that involves over-riding my brain's evolution, the twisting paths of non-useful, or self-harming neural connections, Freshwater! LOL... it's really not such a big deal... UNLESS you believe it is. People do way bigger things every single day.