Author Topic: planning my escape  (Read 2766 times)


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planning my escape
« on: September 06, 2011, 08:52:01 AM »
Hi all,
Thought writing about this here might give me some spine to carry it all the way through. Those of you who've read about my Nboss for the last 5 years will know I'm in a pretty toxic workplace situation. In a nutshell, it's been a kind of in-my-face sexism, unequal opportunity, some sexual harrassment (tailed off now), disrespect, and generally exclusion and second-class personhood I haven't experienced in the workplace due to my gender since the 70s. (My Nboss spent 20 years in an ashram, absorbing the guru's model of entitlement, rules-don't-apply-to-him and many creepy things.) I aged 10 years in five, suffered and complained (to one very decent colleague) -- but it's been a process of trying to figure out whether I feared the strange more than I loathed the familiar. Knew it was a bad place for me, but had lost courage for endless job hunting.

Anyway, finally reached the last straw. Although I've bravely fought back and advocated and pointed out the injustice of my exclusion from the board, and pushed back every time Nboss would offload some of his disowned junk on wore me down. It's been toxic trying not to hate him, frankly. Bad for my soul.. It became harder and harder not to start believing his devaluing of me (random belittling remarks), and I am also so perfectly wired to keep-the-N-happy -- it's such a deep reflex -- that it's taken me this much time to begin to really WANT to advocate for my own life again, much less decide, for real, that I am going to find a way out of there.

Last straw was when I (for the first time) recently asked him for a raise (after a pretty amazing contribution of a complete business flow analysis and other things). I deserve it, and I need it. A few months beforehand, by the way, on the advice of my colleague, I did mention briefly to Nboss that it had turned out I was unable to afford to buy out my brother's share so I would be losing my house. Nboss had said at the time--oh well, I have a $1000,000 just sitting there in one account if you'd like a loan... (You kidding? Get more enmeshed with and farther under his thumb? I'd just said, that's a nice offer.) Anyway, when I went to ask him for a raise I expressed it as: 1) appreciated your offer of a loan but I realize what I need in my life is not more personal debt, but a raise; 2) what I believe I've earned, given that I've taken on many additional responsibilities in the last year and am heading up a major program within the business; 2) it's time for my salary to be the equivalent of the other 3 senior staff (males) salaries.

I did not tell him I know exactly what the good-colleague makes (because he and I broke the Keep-it-Separate-and-Secret Rule and told each other). But now I do. And it is, for the SAME level of responsibility, different areas, but one NO less important to the bottom line than the other (and quite a few arguments could be made for my impact being greater because it's so public)...I am (surprise, surprise) paid $10,000 less. That was the last straw for me. Thinking back over the years, the time when I got a Saturday job in a flower shop, trying to make ends meet, how many hours I've spent hunched over freelance jobs after an exhausting week, and how incredibly strained and worried I've been, selling everything I can, worry worry and worry. And I'm paid $10,000 less.

Anyway, Nboss goes pale, then flushes (obviously angry--how dare I?) and says oh everyone's paid totally fairly, I'm just imagining a big gap between my salary and the men's, and it wouldn't be "right" to give me any raise now before he reviews all salaries at the end of the year. IOW: No.

Then, the kicker: He goes, oh and if we were ever bought out by a big company, you and I (he includes himself to be "humble" but he's the one worth millions so it's an absurd remark) would be the least marketable of every employee here. I say, "Why would you say that?" and he says, "Because of your age. Nobody wants to hire someone with their own opinions."

So after the nostalgic levels of sexism, unequal opportunity for advancement the likes of which I haven't seen so overtly in a long he's adding ageism. Those remarks started a while back...(we're the same age. he offloads his thoughts about getting older, by belittling me for being older).

I just suddenly got the picture. Do I want to work like a cowherd for this person who will never appreciate or recognize my achievements while he profits extremely from them, and then every year as I get older, be even MORE devalued with the toxic "drip drip" of his little put-downs? And never, ever, have an opportunity to advance? Just, No. I think he has a vision of me as someone who should be submissive and grateful and subsurvient (his wife speaks in a near whisper and worships him guessed it...a mini-guru)...and simply keep on SERVING HIM until I die. (I believe he does not care at all, not one bit, about my well being.) Anyone who is ill, or has a life need, is merely inconvenient. He shows no empathy, ever. Though he sometimes fakes it with little "awwww" noises.)

So I have 3 jobs to apply for this week and I am just going to keep doing it until I find something that pays what I make now or better. White hair or not, there's somebody out there who will appreciate my skills and see my experience as valuable, not irrelevant. There's one that's a VERY good fit that I should have a chance at.

What I need from VESMB is encouragement to get those applications done! There's been ambivalence about making the Real Decision (familiar, even though miserable, is familiar--I have broken through the ambivalence now, but the paralysis has to be defeated too. It takes digging deep and a lot of effort to add the job search on top of the exhausting hours I put in in the first place. I'm lower on strength and endurance than I used to be.

Reading and posting here, whether about myself or not, is such a source of strength.

thanks for listening,
« Last Edit: September 06, 2011, 09:01:02 AM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2011, 09:24:09 AM »
Whoo hoo!!

::doing the snoopy dance and wishing it was dry enough for a fire!::

Amazon Hops is finding a better place: )



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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2011, 12:38:43 PM »

White hair or not, there's somebody out there who will appreciate my skills and see my experience as valuable, not irrelevant. There's one that's a VERY good fit that I should have a chance at.

I'm visualizing you filled to the bream brim with joy at your new job.  


« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 01:01:16 AM by teartracks »


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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2011, 05:07:20 PM »
White hair or not, there's somebody out there who will appreciate my skills and see my experience as valuable, not irrelevant. There's one that's a VERY good fit that I should have a chance at.

Not to derail or distract you Hops, m'dear... but you just gave YOURSELF the motivation to "git R done". NOTHING feels better than finally hearing one's SELF. You go, girl!! Gonna be right here... watching and listening and encouraging my friend who DESERVES to find just the right opportunity for her. It comes with side benefits, too - it'll make Nboss crazy. Hee-hee!

I already know there's a plum job waiting on you. And ya know what?? to a LOT of people, the white hair is an asset. Jeez, mine's almost all white... and here I am running a company by the seat of my britches; making it up as we go along... (and we're not struggling either!)

YAY!!!! Now I gotta go dance that happy dance with Lighter...
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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2011, 05:10:11 PM »
Hops you have my best wishes, whatever you decide to do.

What I cannot get over from your description is how he creates and uses possibly legitimate intellectual obstacles to pressure you into staying and accepting less than you know you deserve.. Its a very complex and demeaning way of saying NO and I'm outraged. Its so plainly obvious he is trying to belittle you into not asking for a raise and demeaning your chances of finding better employment elsewhere. Its like you are doomed either way - which can't really be true.

I'm searching for a name for this lowlife.... and wishing you all the best at the same time.


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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2011, 06:59:47 PM »
Much good Luck to you, Hops.

Now that you have expessed it on paper, for our viewing you are quite likely to make the move.

.....and we will all be waiting for news of your new job, and sending yout WTGS and GFYs and GYTHTSHJs

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2011, 04:01:41 AM »
Damn it! My response got erased by my computer and now I don't want to rewrite it all again. My computer is slowly not working, Arrgggh!

Just thinking about you Hops and work out a routine if that works for you for the job search, like in the evening search and find, on the weekends prepare and submit, and maybe do a quantity over quality approach just so you don't get into the perfection  thing. Unemployed people must apply for 3 a week minimum (EDIT: I mean those who get unemployment insurance are required to do 3). I don't know if you have a lap top or not but it might help to find a cafe or library where you can go, it always helps me to get away from the other "stuff". You can even play mind games with yourself and say in your own mind that you are just testing the waters with the applications. Whatever takes the pressure off or puts the pressure on? Send out as many applications you can stand to just for the heck of it and call it an exercise in exploration.

I got a horrible rash on my face at my stressful job that went away when the job went away. I have no idea if it was related or unrelated, maybe it was a cortisol reaction who knows but its long gone now even though I have other problems and stress. It's the worst when your livelihood damages your health! When you say you have aged 10 years worth in 5 that statement says so much and is disheartening to hear, it really is a bad work environment for you. There are an awful lot of jerks in the world, as if it's a religion with numerous new converts every day. Poooh. Sometimes it just feels like there are not enough 'good people' to counterbalance the 'jerks that drain'.

That's a tough one Hops, a steady paycheck is psychologically mollifying even when the job sucks! I know that purgatory feeling.
Fear motivates me, I wish that wasn't the case.

I think you will get a sense of accomplishment when you start to send out the job submittals, seriously just getting that step done feels good even if I don't get contacted I know I've done my part.
You will feel better after you do this, guaranteed
I have to stop thinking and contemplating and do the tasks I don't really want to do....that is how I get things done. Sort of.

I don't think job searching and applying is ever very enjoyable so maybe approaching in the same way that people do when they have to go to the dentist or something, very routine, just do it so you can get it over with. A feeling of relief that it's finally done.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you. If my comments are not helpful just ignore, sometimes I don't know if anything I have to say is helpful or not. I just wished that I had transitioned from one employer to another without the gaps in between because those gaps make it harder! So the job you have now is some kind of leverage.

Maybe just do the job applications out of spite for the boss-man, so you can get revenge on your boss by getting a job that is better for your *HEALTH*. And drink a healthy peach-mango smoothy while you do it.

Maybe don't try to pre-determine exactly how the transition is going to happen (wanting some reassurance from the universe).
Instead just grow a lot of arms and feelers and tentacles that are all reaching and expanding outward so that your sphere of personhood is expanding in all directions with a lot of antenna and whiskers that are tapping the ground even if your eyes are closed and you don't know what is there yet.

I have found that some jobs are posted incorrectly. The last job interview I went on they used a very old job description so most of the tasks listed were not part of the job. Or too generically. Then there was a job interview I went on where they were hiring for other jobs as well that they thought I would be a better match for. Maybe this isn't relevant to you either. All I know is that you find out as you do it. Thats why I say quantity over quality, meaning that you apply for everything within a certain catagory that you are aiming for instead of cherry picking the best looking ones based on the description. You definitely don't want to miss the cherries either so it's a good idea to look for them now since those kinds don't come along every day.

Maybe you will get really lucky and an interviewer will be your age and female and will be on your team.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 07:43:17 PM by Boat that Rocks »


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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2011, 09:31:07 AM »
Hi Hops!

How do you feel about maybe relocating? That would expand your pool of possibilities... some employers will assist with moving and finding a place... and you could possibly rent your current house until it sells... I was just wondering if perhaps you might thrive (and be more appreciated) in another setting, someplace else.
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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2011, 12:35:17 PM »
Lighter, TT, Ales, Izz, PR, Boat...

I appreciate your support so much, more than I know how to explain.
One demon is the isolation of my workdays (as much physical as emotional), and popping in here to hear a cheer is more valuable than you know. Truly, truly, thank you. have his number. And thank you for such perceptive indignation. Wow.

TT, like Mud, you are someone whose prayers and support I don't feel entitled to but still truly value and hope they connect me to something I don't know how to grasp. Thanks...and please, keep it up.

Izzy, thanks hon. And wot the heck is GYTHTSHJ? Knowing you, it'll make me laugh, which is half the battle. xxoo

Lighter, if you keep on dancing, maybe my unfocused-butt will get itself in gear! Thanks for spreading the happy.

PR, I would wither without my roots. But I've recognized recently that if temporary relocation, or work travel, or some combo of on-site elsewhere plus telecommuting will get me out of this job...I am open. Can't rent out the house (new brother negotiation, not going there) but I'd just rent a room somewhere else.

And dear Boat. You have directly addressed the biggest obstacle, which is resistance to actually doing the applications. I can't tell you how helpful it was for you to look at that -- and from so many clear angles. You really helped me. Thank you, thank you.

love and gratitude to all, and your comments are SO welcome.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2011, 02:38:35 PM »

I'm saying prayers and sending strength for the job hunt ahead.

It'll be OK: )



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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2011, 06:08:04 AM »
Hi Hops! Thought I'd just check in and see how your plans are coming along...

are you - taking a deep breath after having made the decision and gathering up all your energy? writing your resume so that it can be easily edited for multiple kinds of situations? have you considered a head-hunter? (with all your experience it just might be worth it... in time saved you know?)

Does this still feel like the right decision after "trying it on"?

I've kinda noticed something about those cliffs I approach with the idea of jumping off them: objects are closer than they appear and the distance between where I am and where I want to be is a whole lot shorter than it looks, from where I stand. Fun house mirrors, you know?

Anyway, just looking for a short progress report!  ;)
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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2011, 07:14:21 AM »
Hi PR,
Basically, it's a yes to each of your questions, except I don't know where to find a headhunter.
Got one application in and much more to do. I find the process is much slower than it used to be. Energy gathering is exactly the problem. But at least having made the decision, I do feel an inner freedom building.

Working on health and house, as well, and have my antennae up for my D. Work has been pretty consuming--this weekend was a "retreat" at Nboss new house. Intense and tiring, but did fine.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2011, 06:16:36 PM »
I hear ya BIG time on the energy gathering, Hops!  Me too.

But it can be done. Once I figure out what the recipe is... I'll share. (Pls - don't hold your breath!!) Glad you got through the retreat OK. Sometimes those things can get icky. It's in the plus column, I think, that there's no "radioactive fallout".

Headhunters... hmmm. I'm thinkiing a google search... along the lines of: employment agencies  editors (or writers)

« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 08:30:58 AM by PhoenixRising »
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Re: planning my escape
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2011, 07:03:01 PM »
Hi focus has to be toward a new FT position, not freelancing or PT or contract gigs.
I'm not so much suffering a dearth of ideas as I am struggling to find the will and energy to follow through--resumes, apps, vigilance, making job-hunting the 2nd job after very long days.

I freelance now and then but need salaried rather than supplemental income.
I don't have the energy to cobble together enough freelancing for survival.

Have done it before (wrote a book, ghostwrote, edited a novel, wrote content for and edited dunno how many web sites...)

Mostly I need support for following through!


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."