Hi ukgirl, I agree with bunny and seeker. Please look after yourself, you’re not responsible for him, but you are for yourself.
Are you able to talk to anyone else about the situation? Your own family, or a friend? Talking about it will help you to see things more clearly and maybe you’ll feel less cloudy. Have you got a counselling service at work/college/elsewhere?
I was thinking maybe by trying to cut an insult to your family on himself, he’s trying to ‘cut’ you off, alienate you, from your family, to keep you all to himself. He wants you to choose between them and him? Just some thoughts. This is a dangerous situation – we become locked into just one person’s view of the world and that’s not healthy. We come to depend on how our partner see things and end up doing what they want, and not knowing what we want.
As for me, I was born to parents with varying degrees of N-ness. I’m 42 and feel like I’m only just starting to ‘grow up’. How about you?