Hi Erin,
Just wanted to throw some hugs, support and restfulness your way.
I don't know how much free time you're working with at the moment, but, occasionally, a big dose of exercise helps me catch some much-needed Zzzzs. A tough yoga class would knock me out cold and keep the nightmares at bay (I'd be too pooped to dream).
I can really relate to your post about feeling "normal" on the surface, but less than so underneath. I'm sure this is just a habit leftover from our messed-up childhoods. Whatever teeny-tiny remnant of faux-love our NMs gave us was utterly reliant on the fact that we presented ourselves to the outside world as happy, normal, non-abused daughters. Survival depended on secrecy, white-lies, lies of omission. Our psyche split in two.
This sounds ridiculous, but I was watching one of RuPaul's shows on Logo the other night, and she advised a woman (this woman was worried that other people were judging her and her family unkindly because of her tattoos) to tell herself: "What other people think of me, is not my problem." That sounds a little N, at first. But really, she might be right. If we're not hurting anyone else--and you're clearly not, you're a loving, responsible, funny, insightful person--just keep finding your voice and letting it be your guide.
Sending lots of love your way, Kay