Dear Wonder and Hope,
Thanks for writing. I appreciate your candor and soul-searching. My situation is not that I stayed in the relationship very long, it's a matter of wondering how I could have ever gotten in it in the first place. When you speak of familiar love, I can really identify, since I now realize my Dad was a full-blown N.
In all my years (nearly 20) of counseling, self-help and spirituality, I got caught in an N-relationship which just recently ended. I didn't stay in it for long but question how or why I ignored the red flags (that went up right away on the first encounter) and allowed the N to derail my life in such a major way.
My only answer right now, which is one that I am sharing with you, is that we get what we need when we need it AND the teacher appears when the student is ready. I am trying to view this situation as a life lesson.
And although I have only begun my healing journey from this abusive relationship, I make a conscious effort to not hammer myself with the WHY question. My mantra, of late, has been "it is what it is" and to accept where I am in the present moment.
Fact is, too, we fall in love with those darn Ns and remain hopeful and optimistic even when we are up to our eyeballs in alligators, so to speak.
Be gentle with yourself and glad you had the courage to leave this unhealthy and destructive relationship. In the long run, you'll be a better person for it. Promise!